10 tips to deal with depression –

The depression It is a disorder with a high prevalence. It is estimated that between 8 and 15% of the world’s population has suffered from it at some time and it is, according to WHO data, the leading cause of disability.

It is an emotional problem that can overwhelm the person, to the point of exhausting their energy and leaving them no desire to do anything. For this reason, it is difficult not to become discouraged and be able to motivate yourself to move forward. In this article we are going to try to offer you some tips to overcome depression.

10 tips to control and overcome depression

Identify the situation and meditate on it

What is causing this state in you? Why does it affect you so much? Focus on yourself and your feelings and your reactions. Think calmly, is it possible to approach the situation from another point of view? Can a change of perspective help you?

Don’t repress your emotions, but learn to manage them

You must learn to manage sadness and let it out, knowing that it should be a relief and not something that settles into your daily life, since this will harm us.

Tomorrow hasn’t come yet

Don’t add hopelessness. Today you are not in the best emotional condition, but tomorrow things may change and opportunities may arise that improve your mood. Work so that that future catches you in shape.

Get out of bed and get going

Faced with that feeling of lack of energy and lack of motivation, the only thing you can do is act. Change your chip and get moving, take up hobbies, look for new things… You have a problem, only by recognizing it will you take the first step to motivate yourself and overcome it.

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Try to distract yourself and continue cultivating your interests

Don’t abandon your interests and stay active. This is beneficial for mental health and to keep the mind occupied and away from obsessive thoughts. Fight each negative thought or memory with a positive one. Reading, social relationships, sports… can be good allies.

Treat yourself with love and tolerance

To overcome one, it is essential to accept and love yourself. Many times, depression comes from a lack of self-love. You are not to blame for your depression, learn to be tolerant of yourself.

Treat others with love and tolerance, learn to forgive

Open yourself to others, don’t turn your back on them. And never settle into hatred and resentment, these are feelings that, in reality, hurt the person who suffers them. Therefore, no matter how badly they have behaved towards you, those negative feelings cannot be the driving force of your life.

Keep your social life active

It is difficult to reach out to others when you are depressed, but if you make the effort it can be a great help. Isolation can be temporary, for as long as necessary, but then you must open up to the people who value you and meet new people.

Set achievable goals

Setting a goal gives meaning to life and motivates you to act. At first they can be simple goals, such as having at least one positive thought a day, and then progressively increase the difficulty.

Maintain healthy lifestyle habits

Follow a balanced diet, go out and sunbathe, have organized schedules, get enough sleep… all of these are fundamental aspects that you have to take care of if you want to overcome your depression.

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