10 ideas for Christmas decorations with recycled materials

Christmas 2023 is coming and Christmas decorations with recycled materials cannot be missing, you know why we are #eco. When Christmas comes around everyone is ready to experience one of the oldest traditions: decorating.

Large trees, spheres, lights, snowmen and many other elements are present in commercial stores and the most popular markets. However, have you thought about creating with recycled materials?

This is the perfect time to take out all the abandoned items you have at home to create different decorations according to the festivities. Surely at home there is a lot of material that we can recycle, since as we get closer to the end of the year we can gather things that we have used over the previous months.

Here you can use toilet paper cylinders, glasses, scraps of paper, fabric, plants, whatever you have nearby or at home. With these ideas you can take advantage of all the materials at home, have a pleasant time while doing crafts and help the environment. So don’t miss the opportunity to create Christmas decorations with recycled materials.

Christmas decoration ideas with recycled materials

Soda or beer cans

With great care and with the help of a cutter and glue, you can make more than one decoration with cans. Whether you make beautiful snowmen or angels with the body of the can, add some glitter or you can paint them the color you like, these cans can be both very original dolls and spheres.

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Glasses of

With this single-use material you can make different decorations, some ranging from Santa dolls, reindeer or many others. If not, a Christmas tree placing the glasses in a pyramid shape can also work.

Coffee capsules

Coffee capsules have become a very popular waste product in recent years. Although some of them can already be refilled as coffee capsules, many others cannot. In this case, the capsules have a perfect resemblance to walnuts and can work to create Christmas garlands in the shape of small bells or place them in each bulb of a series of lights to give it a more original touch.

Glass bottles

With empty jars from the kitchen or those you have at home, you can place a candle inside with different Christmas drawings on the outside and give life to a very cozy lamp or function as candy bowls. Even this idea works for occasions outside of the office.

paper spheres

With recycled, magazine or newspaper sheets you can create an original decoration for this Christmas. Cut different layers of paper in the same shape and then join them together from the center. Peel each layer to create a beautiful 3D sphere and place glue between each layer to prevent it from closing and voila, you will have new Christmas decorations with recycled materials.


In short, it is not necessary to buy Christmas boots again every year. You can create your own boots with original socks from each family member and decorate them to give them a Christmas touch. Personalizing boots can be a good way to create unforgettable Christmas memories without spending so much.

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cCut the discs very carefully into small pieces and gifts in the spheres you already have, this way they will have a new appearance and when the light hits them they will project different colors, or simpler, paint or decorate the disc as you like and hang it on the tree . One of the brightest Christmas decorations with recycled materials you can have.

wine corks

Decorate them with pieces of fabric and paint them, or arrange them in the shape of a Christmas tree. With any option you decide to make, you can have new original decorations and replace new spheres.

Spotlights or light bulbs

You probably have light bulbs at home that you are not using, let your imagination work and decorate them however you like, whether with snowmen, penguins or any other design representative of the holiday.

Corks of

Whether it’s glass soda or any other, you can glue them and paint them with the decoration you like the most. One idea is to put together three badges, on the first one draw a face and on the second three buttons, so you could create snowmen. Add ribbon and place them on the Christmas tree.