The Silfra Fissure, the lake where two continents meet

Known as the Silfra Tectonic Fissure or simply Silfra, it is the only place in the world where you can literally observe the gap between two in the middle of crystal clear waters. A sublime underwater landscape that shows us the power of the Earth and its tectonic configuration.

The Silfra Tectonic Rift

The huge crack is framed by, in the waters of Iceland. In the middle of Lake Þingvallavatn in Þingv National Park, you can see the separation between both tectonic plates that attracts the most experienced from around the world, who go there to observe the union between two underwater worlds.

It is characterized by being an island born between volcanoes and therefore, the Silfra fissure does not escape this characteristic. The underwater cliffs formed by volcanic rock are especially imposing, it is known that undergo an additional separation of 2 centimeters per year due to the movement of the plates that little by little they are moving away from each other and that in a very distant future,

The separation of plates generates tension between the plate and the upper mass of land, the only way to release this tension is through earthquakes that usually appear in this region of the planet approximately every ten years. Earthquakes, in turn, generate a greater number of fissures and gaps in Silfra. The Silfra fissure itself emerged as an underground cave and over time, it expanded until it formed two cliffs facing each other.

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Every drop of water is more than a century old

In addition to the amazing features of exposed tectonic plates, Lake Þingv is one of a kind. With such crystal clear turquoise waters, visibility is very detailed even at significant depths. That is because No river flows directly into the lake, but the water reaches there through porous rocks that slowly filter it. below the surface of the water.

The filtering process is not that simple, pushing water through rocks is not very fast no matter how porous they are. It is estimated that the liquid between both tectonic plates takes between 50 and 100 years to be incorporated into the lake. It is very likely that every drop of water in the landscape of the Silfra Fissure has been inhabiting the place for more than a century.

There is no other place in the world like Silfra, which shows the geology of the planet with such vehemence. This is why the most experienced divers travel even to go deep into the bowels of the Earth and observe the tectonic plates.