Yarrow Vitamin D+ helps the proper functioning of the body

yarrowa brand specialized in natural products from Uriachpresents Yarrow Vitamin D+a new product developed based on a complete and innovative formulation with vitamin D, in addition to resveratrol and vitamin E, to reduce its deficiency in the body.

The vitamin Dpopularly known as the “sunshine vitamin”, is obtained through sun exposure and diet, but sometimes it is not enough. In fact, the vitamin D deficiency It affects more than half of the world’s population, since very few foods naturally contain this vitamin and the current lifestyle means that regular exposure to the sun is less and less, especially in winter.

Vitamin D is a necessary nutrient for the proper functioning of the body. takes care of absorb calcium, one of the main components of bones; also regulates the immune systemmaintains the balance of calcium and phosphorusplays an important role in the secretion of insulin and regulates the blood pressure.

An insufficient supply of vitamin D can lead to associated symptoms such as fatigue, tiredness, muscle aches, cramps or bone fractures. In addition, this deficiency can increase the risk of suffering bone, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases. For this reason, in certain groups with associated risk factors, such as people who have a certain deficiency of this vitamin, old peoplechildren, people with obesity, women in the menopausal stage with a tendency to suffer from osteoporosis, or with other bone or chronic diseases, extra help may be recommended through taking food supplements with vitamin D.

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In addition to providing good levels of vitamin D, provides extra benefits, thanks to the properties of resveratrol and vitamin E, which act as antioxidant booster.

He resveratrol, a natural polyphenol present in various plants and fruits such as peanuts, blueberries or grapes. Act like antioxidant protecting cells from cell damage and possesses anti-inflammatory properties, avoiding hyperactivation of the immune system. It is also, cardioprotectivehelping to prevent the onset and development of atherosclerosis and has an anti-aging effect.

For her part, the Vitamin E It is an important nutrient for vision, reproduction, and the health of the blood, brain, and skin, which enhances the immune response.

Yarrow Vitamin D+ It comes in a sublingual tablet with patented nanoemulsion technology that allows rapid absorption of vitamin D, E and resveratrol into the bloodstream.

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