Will the massive asteroid Apophis cause the end of the world on April 13? This is what NASA says

Another asteroid is approaching Earth and predictions about the end of the world have not been long in coming. The asteroid Apophis joins the list of enormous rocks that threaten the survival of human beings and NASA has already spoken about what will really happen to this cosmic giant.

We could assure that the world would end on April 13 if we are guided by amateur predictions. But, since we do not want to alarm all of humanity, we have already explained exactly what can happen and what the unlikely scenario is.

According to the US space agency, Apophis, which measures about 340 meters in diameter, is not a threat to planet Earth. The celestial body will pass through the planet’s orbit about 30,000 kilometers away.

Furthermore, the approach is scheduled for April 2029. For now we should not worry about this magnificent and impressive. The route that NASA calculated is captured (to avoid panic) and is very far from here.

At one point researchers expressed concern about the large size of the rock. This is why they analyzed the route before their approach. This would be the first large asteroid that the Earth will have a brush with; Let’s trust NASA and wait for its journey until 2029.

It may be a decade away, but scientists are marking their calendars for an asteroid flyby in 2029. This 340-meter-wide asteroid called 99942 will cruise harmlessly by Earth, about 19,000 miles above the surface. See why it’s exciting scientists: pic.twitter.com/iZuCG4fMJr — NASA (@NASA) May 2, 2019

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