Why vaginal itching occurs that affects 3 out of 4 women at some time in their lives

He vaginal itching It is one of the most common problems in gynecology consultations. They can appear in women of any age and are generally not a symptom of any serious pathology.

What it is is an uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptom, so it is advisable to go to a specialist to seek a correct treatment at the moment you begin to feel discomfort.

As he explains Dr. David Fustergynecologist of:

“In the vagina there are millions of bacteria that constitute the vaginal flora. But the balance of the vaginal flora is very fragile and it can be broken for multiple reasons:

  • When there are hormonal changes

  • during menstruation

  • in pregnancy

  • during menopause

  • due to stress

  • Due to certain medications.

  • Due to diseases that can alter this balance.

And when that balance is broken, infections can appear that cause the alteration of vaginal discharge, and the itching or vaginal discomfort itself.

Why itching occurs?

There are a variety of causes that cause vaginal itching:

  • Fungal infection.

  • Atrophy at menopause.

  • Psoriasis.

  • eczema.

  • Lichen.

  • Some (STDs).

Hormonal changes, stress or certain medications can alter the vaginal flora.

But they are not the only causes. The gynecologist points out others, such as:

“Irritation of the vulva due to excessive cleaning of the vaginal area

  • For using hygiene products that include too aggressive components

  • For wearing too tight clothing

  • Even for fabrics that are not very breathable ”.

yeast infection

But, one of the most frequent causes of vaginal itching is vaginal candidiasis or candidal vulvovaginitis, a genital infection caused by the fungus candida albicans.

This fungus is part of the normal vaginal flora of many women. What happens is in certain circumstances its growth gets out of control and produces an imbalance that causes inflammation and other related symptoms.

This may be due to changes in the conditions of the vaginal mucosa, such as changes in pH, temperature, humidity, hormonal changes, or imbalances in the normal vaginal flora.

As the specialist explains, “vaginal candidiasis is a fungal infection that causes irritation, whitish and lumpy discharge, and intense itching in the vagina, vulva, and throughout the perineal region.”

  • Candidiasis “affects up to 3 out of 4 women at some point in their lives,” says Dr. Fuster.

“When it occurs, treatment with an antifungal is necessary that can be applied locally, taken orally, or used together, if necessary.”

Sometimes these fungal infections can occur recurrently.

In these cases, for the treatment it is necessary, in addition to the antifungal, a probiotic that allows the normal vaginal flora to be recovered and prevents the candidiasis from recurring.

One of the most frequent causes of vaginal itching is vaginal candidiasis.

Healthy habits

In order to prevent or alleviate this unpleasant itching in the vagina, the Vithas gynecologist recommends following some healthy habits:

  • “A good measure may be to avoid douching and excessive washing of the area, since this practice can alter the normal vaginal flora,” explains the doctor.

  • “Another recommendation is to always clean the area from front to back in order to prevent intestinal bacteria from causing vaginal or urine infections.”

  • “Finally, other simple habits such as wearing cotton underwear, changing pads often, or avoiding tight-fitting pants can help prevent vaginal itching,” concludes Dr. Fuster.

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