Why in Peru do they put scissors in the shape of a cross under the bed?

History and origin of the tradition

Why in Peru do they put scissors in the shape of a cross under the bed (1).png

The tradition of putting scissors in the shape of a cross under the bed is, in reality, a fusion of pre-Hispanic symbology and the Catholic religion.

To understand the origin of this practice, it is necessary to go back to pre-Hispanic times. The pre-Columbian cultures that inhabited what we know today as Peru already had a wide repertoire of spiritual beliefs and practices. Animism, the belief that every being has a spirit, was very present in these cultures, which allowed the development of magical and ritual practices.

With the arrival of the Spanish colonizers, there was a mixture of indigenous beliefs with new Christian ideas. Thus, the tradition of putting scissors in the shape of a cross under the bed is, in reality, a fusion of pre-Hispanic symbology and the Catholic religion.


Why in Peru they put scissors in the shape of a cross under the bed

Scissors, As a cutting instrument, they have been considered since time immemorial as a symbol of power and protection. In many cultures, scissors are seen as an item that can separate and cut negative energies, as well as protect people from evil forces.

Why in Peru do they put scissors in the shape of a cross under the bed (3).png

The traditions and popular beliefs They are part of the cultural wealth of each country

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Why a cross?

The cross is one of the most universal and powerful symbols in the world. In the case of Peruvian tradition, the cross represents the fusion between pre-Hispanic symbolism and the Catholic religion. In the Andean worldview, the cross symbolizes the balance between the earthly and the heavenly, while in Christianity it represents divine protection and salvation.

Protection against evil

The main purpose of placing cross-shaped scissors under the bed is to protect sleepers from bad energies and evil spirits. This practice seeks to create an energetic barrier that prevents the passage of any negative entity towards the sleeper.

Eliminate nightmares and bad dreams

Another reason why this practice is done is to avoid nightmares and bad dreams. It is believed that by placing the scissors in the shape of a cross, the access of negative energies responsible for generating disturbing dreams is blocked.


Why in Peru do they put scissors in the shape of a cross under the bed (4).png

Scissors, As a cutting instrument, they have been considered since time immemorial as a symbol of power and protection.

Other beliefs and practices in Peru

  • The use of protective amulets, such as the tiger’s eye or the Andean cross.
  • Place a glass of salt water under the bed to absorb bad energy.
  • Light candles of different colors to attract positive energies and ward off negative ones.

Influence of religion on popular beliefs

Religion has had a significant impact on the formation of popular beliefs and traditions in Peru. The Catholic faith, in particular, has left an indelible mark on Peruvian culture, influencing the daily practices and customs of its inhabitants.

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Variants of the practice in other cultures

Similar practices exist in other cultures around the world, such as the use of protective amulets in the Middle East and Africa, or the placing of talismans on the doors of houses in China to ward off bad energy.