Why I feel like everyone is looking at me – reasons and solutions



I go through that…since I was 16, now I’m 21 and I can’t get over it…I don’t know. What to do



My problem is that they look at me badly because I go out for a run. I think it’s because it’s a small town. I can’t even manage to run 200m, but I do it constantly. I think I’m making progress.
Every time I go out for a run a car or motorcycle passes by, I stop and turn back home.



Hello, I am confident, I know that I am emotionally strong, it happens to me that when I walk through the traffic light, they look at me and I get out of step while walking, sometimes I look down but I remember that it is not right and I turn it up immediately, but the detail is that I don’t even know how. move my hands when I walk



It’s happened to me since I was a teenager, people look at me a lot. Women, being another woman, hate seeing me, they look at me badly as if I were horrible or smelled bad. I’m not blonde, maybe that has something to do with it. I’m very nerdy. Dark hair, glasses, I can’t see well without them. Dark colors, I’m a little chubby. Women and girls from 8 to 18 years old look at me badly.
The other day a girl gave me a dirty look. I thought and then looked away. Maybe it’s paranoia but people look… and many look wrong… and I and many of us realize it.
The issue is how to ensure that the other’s gaze does not affect you.

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Ah, the same thing happens to me and the truth is, sometimes it’s unbearable, and even more so if I’m on an avenue, it’s the worst. I’m from Argentina, where are you from, Sofia?



I feel watched every time I go out, but my problem is strange, it’s not that I feel like someone outside my body is watching me, but that there is someone inside mine looking through my eyes and it makes me very uncomfortable, I don’t feel I look when I bathe, when I change my clothes, etc. It’s very annoying, the feeling that there is someone watching you even if you are completely alone, I hope I’m not the only one.

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Could it not be some feature of schizophrenia?

Luisa Fernanda


My question is, how come I feel appreciated and watched by people? I mean, what I mean is that when I feel like everyone is looking at me, I start to suffocate and get stressed and I want to scream and run home, and my Serious question: how can I calm that down, I’m 17 years old!



Hello, the article is wrong about something. It’s not that I think people look at me, it’s that I have verified it. It’s not an assumption.
I’m too shy, I never know what to talk about. I never usually start the conversation. Awkward silences and social phobia. I would prefer not to exist.

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Jennie UwU


amm it mostly happens to me but I don’t pay attention to how I am and if I pay attention it’s because they look at me. I think they look at me because I have something else on or something like that but it happens from time to time, for example I’m walking and suddenly someone stares at me, I turn to see if it’s true and if they keep looking at me and so on with many people and I don’t feel attractive. . I mean this varies between men and women and it is very strange since they continue to see me even when I look at them again.



How about everyone, and what if it is something that really happens, why is the article dedicated only to holding you or me responsible for what really happens, for my part it is a problem that I think I caused myself, I behaved In a certain way in a certain workplace, I felt very uncomfortable, I was distracted all the time, I had a lot of problems. It was a fairly simple job, but they made us believe that it was too complex to the point that I blocked myself, and even though I continued, it was in vain, I didn’t learn, the worst thing is that my colleagues created trouble due to my leader’s lack of ability to control it, many things happened that were quite distracting, but I remember in particular one day that I was terrified and that was when I became aware of what he mentioned about feeling observed. Well yes, they watched me a lot, I said goodbye to my boss and turned around to see everyone was watching unless they knew something about me but that wasn’t the case, they didn’t know me. Anyway, I think there are super evil people who want to make you believe that you are going crazy. I had a friend who knew a relative of mine who unfortunately got a little bad from consuming very low quality glass, but this friend invited him to a hotel, in my town things happen in that hotel, apparently someone wanted to play the evil psychologist and with very little ignorance of things, he got involved with people whom he tried to drive crazy with some experiments he carried out that consisted of first, making them believe that they were super intelligent, then involving them in super strong drugs like acids, etc., but when They were in that trance, it played with their minds, and it put terror into their psyche, etc. I don’t know how to explain such an atrocity and I have known many people who become mentally incapacitated, etc. I am very afraid that all this will reach the youngest, I want to know how to help what to do.



When I see someone looking at me, without taking their eyes off me, I feel uncomfortable, oh, not just that. I start getting ready to look pretty. I feel that they judge, evaluate and criticize and I think that they will judge me as fat, crazy, stupid and strange. That’s why I don’t like going out, I prefer to stay at home. Without talking to anyone and knowing myself better but that has Its disadvantages are that parents fight and then you forget how to socialize.

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Every time I go out I feel like this but it makes me nervous to walk strangely, to do something wrong or to draw too much attention, my vision is blurry, I have also experienced aggression not against myself but against a family member yes, even in my house people, like that that I am not comfortable anywhere. I also take hormone replacement and it made me more nervous, anxious, shaky.
It’s a vicious cycle but with exercise and staying busy it goes a long way.



The same thing happened to me after I smoked marijuana together…I felt that people were talking to me and then I got very nervous…but that only bothers me when I’m working and it rarely happens on the street and I don’t understand What is that drunk? Can someone give me an answer please?

Juan Carlos Ramos Vargascucn


When people look at me I get sick and start sweating



For a certain amount of time when I go to sleep at night, a few minutes pass and I feel like they are looking at me from various points in my room (door, window, bathroom). Why is this happening to me? thank you-

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I think you do have schizophrenia



It happened to me after smoking marijuana, I had a psychotic crisis, I did a lot of things like looking people in the eyes. Afterwards it seemed to me that somehow people recognized me and stared at me too, it was as if there was a recording of it that began to spread. I also did other things like dancing in the emergency room of the hospital where they took me to be admitted among other things that make me very ashamed. Almost 2 years have passed since then but I still meet people who laugh at me on the street, I used to Being a very independent person, I went out a lot, especially alone, now I’m stuck in my house. Thanks for the article

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Hello, I think it’s good that you don’t go out, it’s the best decision you could have made, people always like you. Remember and they will judge you for what you did Ami, something similar to your situation happened to me, send me an inbox

hernan ares


Hello, how are you, my name is Hernan, I am 35 years old. I remember that the first time I felt like everyone was looking at me was when I was 15 years old. It had been after I had experimented with smoking marijuana for the first time, I had gotten on a bus and it was something horrible, everyone couldn’t take their eyes off me, honestly it was very uncomfortable, I don’t know if it was because I was drugged or if They realized that I was drugged and therefore they looked at me like that, I don’t remember if it was approximately 6 months or more, again I felt the same thing that everyone was looking at me, without taking their eyes off me, again I felt that nightmare, it happened to me in one pedestrian, where many people walked, from there it happened to me other times, when getting on buses, subways, bowling alleys, soccer fields, as well as walking along the street and feeling like I never got to the place, like a kind of treadmill. Today it is not happening to me, but I am having other problems. Thank you and I hope you can give me some answer, greetings atte..

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Matt ciccone 29


The article was very useful to me and seemed interesting. It hit the nail on the head since I don’t suffer from delirium as such, but rather a feeling of persecution. Feeling watched when I’m on the street. When I’m walking or also when I’m driving in the car… I also heard noises and very disturbing ideas come to my head at those times.
I’m in therapy for this, and yes, I’m quite egocentric, I want everyone to pay attention to me… something to change.



Hello, for a while I used marijuana and I felt quite good, this happened around 4 years, but in the fifth year I began to feel uncomfortable because when I smoked I felt that I was having a repetitive thought in addition to listening like my classmates in the room on the side They spoke badly about me, about all my defects. I thought that maybe it was just a consequence of smoking, so I stopped, but sometimes I also heard them or when I went out, I felt like the world was talking badly about me and that it was targeting me. I thought it was because of my horrible physique or because I am a person who is considered ugly. This caused me tremendous discomfort when facing large numbers of people… What could it have been?



Hello good evening,
For anyone reading this comment:
I spent 3 years due to total delirium, I went almost crazy having to endure voices that came inside me that only I perceived (psychotic disorder) I was medicated for a long time, attending therapies with psychiatrists and psychologists, over time I gradually improved in step, it has been an average of 10 years that I have endured this damage in me, I stopped going to therapies and taking medications, despite that I continue forward, I successfully finished a technical degree and I am a year and a half away from finishing university, but the The point is that lately I have been conducting a study and I have noticed that in my town the majority of people, mostly men (young people, gentlemen) and women (ladies) do this when I go out on the street, I have a record of recordings and I can certify that They do this, and in addition to this for a long time I have noticed that the damage that I have comes from these people since I also have audio recording evidence that they generate this. To conclude with this, I would like to tell you that you are not bad or crazy, they are the crazy ones, it is true that if you try with a spy camera and go out to the streets to see what…