which ones are poisonous and how to recognize them

The vast world of flora and fauna transforms harmoniously with the cycles of the seasons. Even if it is large cities like Mexico City and its surroundings, you can see the presence of different species of animals and plants that adapt to the temperatures and weather conditions. Specifically when summer begins, the increase in rain means that we can observe certain insects such as mosquitoes to a greater extent, but it also brings with it spider season. It is important to stay informed about this to know what to expect during this season and also how to act if we encounter different species of spiders.

Spider season from May to September

The spider season in Mexico begins in the month of May, which is when the first rains of the year fall and also combines with the heat of the season. When the summer months arrive, rainfall increases along with high temperatures and it is precisely at this time that different species of spiders can be observed in city homes.

The violin spider that can be seen in May

From May to July, the main species that can be found, especially in humid and hot regions, is the fiddler or recluse as it is known in northern Mexico. This type of arachnid belongs to the genus Loxosceles, although it is more commonly known as ‘violinist’ because in the dorsal area of ​​the cephalothorax they have a violin-shaped structure. They are spiders whose bite must be treated without problems because it is poisonous and in extreme cases, it can cause death. For this reason, it is important to stay informed about how to prevent encounters with the species and what to do in case of a bite.

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The fiddler spider, like all other animal species, plays an important role in the food chain and in fact, functions as pest stabilizers, according to the National Autonomous University of Mexico. They are used in agricultural systems to eliminate certain insect pests and in this way, crops can grow healthily.

They are usually a calm species, that is, they do not bite on their own initiative unless disturbed. However, we must take precautions to prevent unfortunate encounters and avoid its bite, which is poisonous, at all costs. To do this, we can start by taking measures to avoid putting our hands and any other part of the body in dark and humid corners of the house where there has been no movement recently. This is the most important measure we must take to avoid encountering the species.

Another measure that we must take into account is knowing how to recognize the violin spider, since it is not the only one that could live in homes. To do this, we leave you the essentials to accurately identify a violin spider that you can read here.

What to do in case of a bite?

According to the UNAM, there is the possibility of being bitten without the person realizing it because it does not hurt instantly. However, the greatest recommendation if you have not noticed the mishap is to learn to differentiate the appearance of a bite of this type. The characteristics are very clear: it always begins with a sore that turns purple and around it acquires a pinkish hue. If you notice this, see a doctor immediately.

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If you are bitten and have the possibility of seeing the spider directly, it is best to collect the specimen to determine the species and what medications should be administered, and immediately go to the doctor.

Symptoms begin 7 hours after suffering the bite and are: intense pain in the affected area or throughout the body, high temperature and chills, and in severe cases tissue necrosis may occur.

Spiders that can be seen from September

The fiddler spider is not the only one that can appear in homes during the season, there are other species that can be seen from the month of September onwards. At the beginning of autumn the mating season for arachnids begins and it is for this reason that the number of specimens proliferates, especially if the summer has been very warm, different species of spiders reproduce with greater abundance, although most of them are harmless and In fact, they play a very important role in the city ecosystem, so there is no reason to get rid of them.

money spider

They are among the arachnids, one of the most abundant species in temperate regions, very easy to identify arachnids as they have relatively small sizes, reaching 5 millimeters, although their legs can be quite long. They are usually placed on bushes or plants and are completely harmless.

Ducky house spider (Physocyclus globosus)

They are the most common that we can find inside the home hanging in the corners. They have a yellowish color with very long legs of the same color and with some dark spots. The abdomen is equally oval with dark and light spots, mainly on the sides. They are harmless to humans and feed on insects.

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Zebra spider (Salticus scenicus)

It is a small, harmless garden spider, barely reaching a total size of between 5 and 7 millimeters in length. Its legs are very short compared to other species, although thicker and stronger. They normally live outdoors, in the garden, although they can also sneak inside.

False black widow (Steatoda Nobilis)

It is known for looking very similar to the well-known black widow (Latrodectus mactans), however there is a great difference in appearance between the two. The false black widow measures between 6 and 10 millimeters long, and is dark in color with a lumpy, rounded abdomen; however, it does not have the characteristic clock of black widows. And although it is also poisonous, its venom is not lethal like that of widows. However, what is most worrying is the amount of bacteria it could transmit at the time of the bite. However, it is very difficult for a false black widow to bite, as this would require sitting on it or squashing it.