What is spirulina and why is everyone talking about it? This is the superfood that satisfies but does not make you fat

What is spirulina and why is everyone talking about it? The spirulina is green color superfood whose main characteristic is its satiating power. It is an alga with very few calories and lots of vitaminss. Finding these ingredients was more difficult before. It was sold in herbalists and specialized stores, but it has reached large stores and its consumption has skyrocketed. In , Spirulina boxes are always sold out. It is indicated to help to control appetite.

This ingredient, mistakenly considered as an algae, is made up of prokaryotic organisms and is widely used in the world of sports for its properties. And it is that spirulina increases muscle mass Thanks to its high protein content, it has high levels of vitamins A and E, Omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium and other minerals. In addition, it has been shown to be an antioxidant, regulates blood pressure, reduce the cholesterol or alleviates the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, among other properties.

Its benefits are many and more and more people are encouraged to try it. Mercadona has released a box with 60 spirulina capsules for 4.50 euro and they are constantly running out, as denounced by users on social networks.

Consuming this type of product also has a series of warnings. It can cause constipation or more thirst than usual. It is not recommended to take it for pregnant women, people at risk of bleeding or those with hyperuricemia, hyperthyroidism, phenylketonuria, or liver diseases and autoimmune pathologies. ” class=”link copy”> The food you should eat at night: does not make you fat and helps you sleep]

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