What is SIBO, a recently diagnosed syndrome that already affects 22% of the population?

In recent years there has been a worrying increase in cases of bacterial overgrowth in the world population. It is a condition in which bacteria overgrow in the small intestine, causing a , among others .

We talk about a syndrome known as SIBO, recently diagnosed which, as explained by doctor Jose Francisco Tinaoboss .

  • “It is generated when those that are normally found in the colon or large intestine move to the small intestine, where they should not be in large numbers.”

SIBO, a recent syndrome that already affects one in five people

Why does this excess of bacteria occur?

Well, specialists point to several reasons such as, among other causes:

  • Having an insufficient amount of gastric acid

  • bile salts

  • Digestive enzymes

  • A compromised immune system

  • Slow or irregular bowel movement.

Although his diagnosis is very recent, it is already estimated that 22% of the population presents some of these alterationsreaching 85% among patients with irritable bowel.

Symptoms of bacterial overgrowth

Among the most common symptoms that can indicate that our intestine harbors more bacteria than recommended are:

  • Abdominal distension (swelling).

  • Excess gas producing abdominal pain.

  • Diarrhea or .

And, as doctor Tinao indicates, “these symptoms, often chroniccan have a significant impact on the quality of life of those affected.

The specialist recognizes that bacterial overgrowth, regardless of nutritional deficiency due to malabsorption of nutrients, may also be related to:

  • irritable bowel syndrome

  • Inflammatory bowel disease

  • celiac disease

  • Lactose intolerance.

To treat SIBO it is essential to follow a diet free of fermentable carbohydrates.

How is it diagnosed?

To determine bacterial overgrowth a test is performedwidely spread, using a lactulose breath test (a synthetic sugar used as a laxative).

As Dr. José Francisco Tinao explains, this type of non-invasive test measures the amount of hydrogen or methane that is exhaled after a lactulose intake, taking measurements every 30 minutes.

  • “With the pattern of increasing concentration of hydrogen and methane in the breath, an indirect determination of the presence of excess bacteria in the small intestine is made.”

diet 1640771 Photo by Ella Olsson: https://www.pexels.com/es-es

Antibiotics and diet to treat SIBO

If the test is positive, it is time to start treatment to reduce the amount of bacteria in the small intestine and restore a healthy balance. As? Through specific antibiotics.

  • This type of treatment has a success rate up to approximately 66% from the patients.

But not only drugs are going to help the patient.

For him Dr. Alfonso Carabel, head of Olympia’s Nutrition service, it is also essential to introduce changes in diet and lifestyle, such as the reduction of fermentable carbohydrates (FOMAD), such as dairy products, fruits such as apples, peach, melon, nectarine, pear or watermelon; or vegetables such as garlic, artichokes, eggplant, broccoli or onion, among others.

  • “A diet low in reduces the food that feeds the bacteria, helping to control symptoms and the therapeutic effort to control the bacterial population.”

Also “the use of and prebiotics and in some complex cases other non-invasive therapies are new beneficial tools for the body that support the immune system,” concludes Dr. Tinao.

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