What is oncothermia, the latest technique to treat cancer through heat?

He It is one of the main causes of mortality in Spain. According to the latest data from the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), during 2021, 285,530 new cases were diagnosed, which is 2.36% more than the previous year (282,421).

The most common type of cancer is colon and rectal.

  • In the case of men, the most common is that of prostatewhich in recent years has increased from 30,226 (in 2015) to 35,127 cases in the last registry.

  • the one of mother it is the most detected in Spanish women, with 34,353 new diagnoses.

Globally, cancers are behind one sixth of world mortality. Every year more than 18 million people are diagnosed with cancer, a figure that, according to the World Health Organization, will rise to 21 million by 2030.

And, although cancer is one of the most frightening diagnoses, scientific advances have made it possible to apply treatments that are usually more effective, less complex and less expensive if detected early.

This is the case of electro-modulated hyperthermia, which is also known as oncothermia, mETH either nanothermia.

This is a treatment that in Spain is led by Dr. Elizabeth Arrojo (European Award for Medicine in Oncology in 2021 and 2022) and available at the Advanced Oncology Medical Institute (INMOA) and at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital in Santander.

Dr. Elisabeth Arrojo, director of the Medical Institute of Advanced Oncology (INMOA) CUCO_CUERVO

Oncothermia is based on the traditional method of hyperthermia, that is, generating heat from the outside to destroy only malignant cellswhich are not able to survive high temperatures.

  • This treatment also does not affect healthy tissuethus avoiding side effects such as burns, risk of vasodilation of healthy vessels and the spread of tumor cells to other places.

It can be used as a single therapy, but this is only advisable in certain very specific cases. The most recommended, and usual, is to apply oncothermia in combination with other traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy.

As the oncologist emphasizes, “one of the reasons why chemo or immunotherapy sessions don’t usually work is because they don’t even reach the interior of the tumor well.”

But how does oncothermia work?

This medical technique heats the tumor with radiofrequency waves, which helps these cells to dilate, get more oxygen and end up dying sooner. This is how Dr. Arrojo explains it:

  • “Because chemotherapy and immunotherapy must travel through those blood vessels to reach the interior of the tumor, and radiation therapy needs oxygen to work to fix the damage it does to the DNA of malignant cells.”

And it is that, with oncothermia the malignant cells they are more sensitive to chemotherapy and immunotherapy. But it is not a “miraculous” treatment. Nothing is further from reality. Is technology adapted to health.

It is, therefore, a treatment that has proven its effectiveness, by “heating” only the affected cells, no side effects that occur with conventional hyperthermia (such as inflammation that also increases the risk of relapse) and that stimulates the immune system for full recovery.

  • It is indicated for those solid tumors, that is, with a tumor mass to which heat can be applied.

Can cancer be avoided through diet?

Around 90% of diagnosed cancer cases are due to environmental factors (chemicals from tobacco smoke, ultraviolet rays…).

And poor nutrition is related to 30% of tumors, well above, for example, bad habits such as tobacco, which is only a consequence of 25% of diagnoses.

Against this background, the Medical Institute of Advanced Oncology (INMOA) has created the First National Cancer Prevention Center (in collaboration with nutrition and sports professionals), as a complementary solution to cancer treatments. But not only with the aim of “curing the patient when he has a disease”, but “preventing people from getting sick”.

  • “It is estimated that in 2040 there will be 60% more cases of cancer and at younger ages, so we must not only worry about curing patients, but we must also make an effort to stop this great pandemic that cancer is causing and that is advancing by leaps and bounds”.

The World Health Organization estimates that daily consumption of 50 grams of processed meat increases the risk of colon cancer by 18%. But it’s not just the what that matters, it’s also the how.

Cooking these foods in plenty of oil is not the same as grilling or steaming them, which are the most recommended options.

  • Dr. Arrojo advises “limiting” red meat to “no more than 150/200 grams per week in an adult.”

In addition to a good diet, another essential point to prevent cancer is physical exercise.

The WHO advises at least 150 minutes of exercise per week at moderate intensity, and in older people, 2 weekly sessions of exercises should be added to improve strength.

Physical activity has important benefits for cardiovascular health, body and mind. Contributes to the prevention of non-communicable diseasessuch as those that affect the heart, cancer and diabetes. Therefore, it is not only important for cancer patients, but also for healthy people.

Dr. Arrojo goes further: “Having muscle mass helps you in many aspects. For example, a strong muscle makes it difficult for the tumor to steal glucose.”

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