What is it and how is the contagious norovirus detected in Almería and frequent in summer transmitted?

The Public Health Service of the Junta de Andalucía is investigating a possible norovirus detected in the Almeria town of Mojácar. So far, there are more than 90 affected, all of them clients of a hotel complex.

While waiting to see how the patients evolve, for now it can be said that none of them have required admission to the La Inmaculada Regional Hospital, in Huércal-Overa.

As the American (CDC) explains:

“Noroviruses are viruses very contagious that cause vomiting and diarrhea. Anyone can get infected with norovirus and get sick.”

Norovirus infection occurs more frequently during the summer and, above all, in closed spaces, such as hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, and cruise ships.

They spread very easily and are spread as follows:

  • Direct contact with an infected person.

  • Consumption of contaminated food or water.

  • It can also be transmitted if someone touches their eyes, nose, or mouth after touching a contaminated object or surface.

Norovirus: What are its symptoms?

The symptoms appear suddenly, between 12 and 24 hours after exposure to the virus, and the most common are:

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  • Stomachache.

  • Feeling of general malaise.

  • Muscle pain.

Generally, the symptoms last from 1 to 3 days.

Most patients do not need specific treatment, and also does not exist.

But what is necessary is to pay special attention to vulnerable people: children, the elderly and the chronically ill. Especially since vomiting and diarrhea can cause them dehydration.

  • Noroviruses are the leading cause of “foodborne illnesses. But there are other microbes and chemicals that can also cause them.”

How does dehydration manifest itself?

The discomfort or symptoms of the start with a feeling of tiredness, dizziness, low blood pressure, tachycardia, followed by muscle contractures or cramps.

Seizures, a coma or total loss of consciousness may appear, and in extreme cases even cause death.

But these symptoms can vary according to age and identifying them in time is essential.

In babies and young children the warning signs are:

  • Dryness in the mouth and tongue.

  • The baby cries without tears.

  • The diaper is dry for more than three hours.

  • Sunken eyes and cheeks.

  • The fontanelle (the soft part of the head) appears sunken.

In older people the symptoms can be:

  • Need to drink excessively.

  • Infrequent urination.

  • Dark colored urine.

  • Confusion.

How to avoid getting norovirus

We have perfectly assimilated the best way to combat them into our lives after these years of pandemic. And if we have managed to get used to frequent hand washing or using hydroalcoholic gel, we have gained a lot of ground.

In any case, these are the recommendations:

  • Handwashing quite frequently, especially after contact with surfaces. Soap and water or antiseptic can be used as an alternative.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables conscientiously.
  • In the case of having symptoms, isolate to prevent transmission. It is also advisable to stay at home two more days after the disappearance of the most typical symptoms of the disease.

  • Avoid handling food and objects used by other people.
  • In Trips abroadit is best to choose to eat cooked foods and avoid those that are sold in street stalls.

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