What is EMPATHY in psychology – Characteristics and examples

Empathy is a virtue. Simply stated, it is about the ability that some people have to put themselves in the shoes of others. A very characteristic expression of this psychological phenomenon is called “putting on others’ shoes.”

Next, in the following Psychology-Online article we will talk about what is empathy in psychologywe will list the main characteristics of empathetic people, we will indicate why it is really important to have and develop this capacity and, finally, we will present three typical examples in which empathy shows its great virtues.

Meaning of empathy in Psychology

Empathy in psychology refers to the ability to put yourself in the shoes of others. It is a set of skills that allow the person who possesses them, or who is interested in developing them, to experience what the other person is experiencing at a specific moment.

Empathy occurs when, faced with a specific situation that has occurred to a third person, we are able to recognize what this person is feeling as a consequence of said experience. In this way, we can put ourselves in the place of this third person and share their experience of joy, sadness, fear, etc. In this way, we can come to understand the deep meaning of their response to the situation experienced.

Characteristics of empathic people

Empathic people are characterized by having the following traits and abilities:

  • They have an open heart: which allows them to understand the emotional consequences that situations generate in their neighbors.
  • They are capable of defending affected people: They deeply understand the reason that leads them to react the way they do. Their defense is not aggressive, but totally assertive, since they do not intend to convince anyone of anything. Rather, they try to convey the true meaning of what the affected person is experiencing, in an attempt to generate compassion in less empathetic people.
  • They can accompany you emotionally in an enriching way: They understand what people are experiencing and are able to glimpse what they need at that moment.
  • They calm, soothe and cheer to the people who accompany
  • They are very lively people who function according to the lived experiences that occur around them and react soberly to them.

In short, empathetic people are characterized by being happy, with great vital strength, humble and compassionate. Like little guardian angels that accompany people, strengthening and enriching them to feed the best that lives within each one of them. Still, there is no one way to be empathetic. Below, we show you what exists with examples.

Why empathy is important in psychology

Empathy is a very valuable ability because it provides many benefits on a personal level but, above all, on a social level. Next, we will see what the importance of empathy is in psychology:

  • It allows us to be able to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes. and offer you what you need at that specific moment.
  • Unites people and strengthens themby feeling understood in their situation and accompanied in their experience.
  • Prevents possible conflicts due to lack of understanding, by making the different positions understandable.
  • Allows you to be a model for others of cordial and respectful behavior.
  • Empathy is, in itself, a great food of compassion, fundamental value of human beings. In this article you will find information about.

Thus, when we talk about empathy in psychology, we are referring to a very valuable capacity because it gives rise to peaceful relationships of cordial union and mutual understanding, a very necessary aspect in today’s societies. Discover then.

Examples of empathy in psychology

Finally, we will comment on three examples of empathy in psychology that can occur to any person on a daily basis in their daily lives.

  • Dispute between two people: The empathetic person can mediate the conflict by showing those involved the vision and experience of the other person, so that, by putting themselves in their place and understanding their situation, the offensive attitude adopted completely loses meaning. The objective is to prioritize the search for a solution that benefits both people.
  • When a person experiences a loss of a loved one, a separation or divorce, the loss of a job, losing custody of children, etc. The empathic person will accompany the person affected by the loss during the grieving period to subsequently nourish their inner strength to help them move forward, leaving the loss suffered behind them as part of the past.
  • In a situation of celebration and joy Due to some positive news or experience, the empathic person is able to accompany the state experienced by his or her partner with sincere joy. Although it may seem like something simple to do, due to all our emotional shortcomings, on many occasions, we are not able to truly rejoice in states of happiness and blessedness of others. Being able to share this joy is a sign of high levels of empathy.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Breithaupt, F. (2011). Cultures of empathy. Katz Editors.
  • Carpena, A. (2016). Empathy is possible. Desclée de Brouwer Publishing House.
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