What is an INTRANSIGENT PERSON and how to treat them

In everyday reality, the word intransigence is used repeatedly, but like all words, its meaning can be hidden far beyond the simple linguistic distinction. In real life, what does it mean to be uncompromising? It’s something good? It’s something bad?

In this Psychology-Online article, we will tell you its true meaning to understand What is an intransigent person and how to treat them. We will talk about the characteristics that define an intransigent person, examples of intransigence to better understand the concept and we will also explain how to stop being intransigent.

Characteristics of an uncompromising person

Intransigence means respecting preset limits. Specifically, the definition of intransigent in the dictionary is an adjective that is used to describe a character or temperament that does not compromise or that does not forgive, but a person can be defined as intransigent.

When we talk about an uncompromising person, we mean someone who is not willing to change their position to reach an agreement or to close a debate, that is, it does not accept that another individual may be right and does not recognize that the other’s arguments may be valid.

In colloquial language, being a compromising person is adhere rigorously to a rule, value, or tradition, without tolerating deviations from that parameter or excuses that justify a violation of such principles. Next, we show you in detail what the main characteristics of an uncompromising person are:

  • It consumes our energy when we try to explain something: does not respect our positions and it is difficult to establish a mutually interesting dialogue.
  • Distrust others: because he is egocentric and very active, almost frenetic. In this article you will find information about the.
  • He pursues his ideas until the end.
  • Pretend to listen to the interlocutorbut it is impervious to any other consideration.
  • He hates being bothered.
  • He takes pride and pleasure in his ideasespecially if they go against the grain or if they cause perplexity in others.
  • Confuse being “above the lines” with originality: does not take into account that what he says may be out of place and out of time.

Examples of intransigence

If you want to better understand what it means to be an intransigent person, below you will see some examples of intransigence:

  • negative meaning: means to be intractable and immutable. Sometimes people get angry and turn to violence. In its own way, this may be a rare case of intransigence, since the spark that has caused this violent behavior lies in the violation of a bond or boundary that, once overcome, causes all prohibitions to fall.
  • positive meaning: Being uncompromising means giving priority to respecting certain rules. For example, a surgeon who refuses to use the scalpel that accidentally fell to the floor from the new assistant’s hands. If the surgeon does not maintain his professional conduct, that is, follow the sterilization rules and all the protocols followed and derived from scientific studies, the consequences can be terrible for the operated patient.

How to treat an uncompromising person

If you’re wondering how to deal with an uncompromising person, the first thing you should do is do not flee from the situation and do not use criticism. Instead of recognizing the lack of goodness and quality of the intransigent person’s intentions, it is better to work on your self-esteem and the awareness you have of yourself. In this way, you will be able to reaffirm your behavior in the face of someone’s intransigence and be calm in the face of this situation.

Furthermore, to treat an intransigent person, it is also important to apply the following recommendations:

  • Hear: understand what scares you, your tastes and your limits. Show them and not let yourself be dragged into falling victim to the opportunism of others.
  • Say NO when necessary: never give up expressing your own point of view.
  • Seriously reconsider the relationship: If you see that it is doing you more harm than good, it is better to consider how to distance yourself from that person. Don’t be afraid to set limits.

How to stop being intransigent

If you have identified with the characteristics outlined above and want to stop being an intransigent person, we recommend you follow the following strategies.

Recognize your own limits

Psychophysical well-being is achieved thanks to the ability to be indulgent with others. To help an intransigent person, you must support them to recognize and admit their own intransigence. In these cases, the process to follow is this:

  1. Recognize and admit one’s own intransigence: Being aware is the first step to achieving an emotional balance that allows you to live more serenely.
  2. Learn to forgive yourself: recognize one’s own merits and learn to enjoy the pleasures of life. In this article, we tell you.
  3. Change habits It’s not easy, but it can be tried.

Exercises to stop being intransigent

Being an uncompromising person doesn’t mean you can’t stop being one. There are different exercises that can help you be more tolerant, less demanding and more flexible. Let’s see which ones:

  • Write a diary: Every day write down at least five things for which we have been good, and as many others that you did not like.
  • Dedicate half an hour a day to pleasant activities and not that they necessarily have an end.
  • Notice the small differences between us and others: If you are very intransigent, you will identify friends or family who are not. Learn to see that between you and them there can be different positions than those that can be learned.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Fracas, B. (2020). Rigid personality. Retrieved from: https://www.amando.it/salute/psicologia/personalita-rigide.html
  • Lacchio, C. (2014). L’intransigenza: come starne lontani. Retrieved from: https://paroledordine.wordpress.com/2014/11/09/lintransigenza-come-starne-lontani/
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