What important things should I know if I have to have a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is associated with the prevention and detection of colorectal cancer, but really this test is also used to diagnose other pathologies when symptoms such as bleeding or chronic appear.

And how is it done? Well, it consists of the introduction through the anus of a flexible and thin tube, approximately the diameter of a finger, to obtain images of the intestine. The tube, which consists of a lens and a light, is directed into the colon and while the images are viewed on a video monitor.

But not only to diagnose, colonoscopy can also be used for treatment. The test usually takes less than 45 minutes, but between preparation and recovery it can be two or three hours.

What preparation does a colonoscopy require?

Before attending the test, the patient must meet a series of prerequisites:

  • Carry out a diet without fiber the previous days and drink liquids so that the colon is clean. In some cases, specialists may recommend the use of laxatives.

  • You cannot eat for 6 hours before the colonoscopy.

  • In addition, you will go to this test with a companion.

During the test the patient does not feel any pain.

Does a colonoscopy hurt?

The specialists assure that during the test the patient does not feel any pain. In the procedure, a gas (air or CO2) is introduced in order to be able to better observe the walls of the intestine and a rapidly eliminating general anesthetic.

During the test, if areas of bleeding are observed, drugs are injected or the bleeding vessels are sealed with cauterization. In the event that specialists locate polyps, they can be removed during this procedure.

When the test is over, the patient may feel cramping or bloating from the air drawn into the colon. These discomforts will disappear when you expel the gases. In case of removal of polyps, a special diet must be followed and some activities restricted.

Colon cancer

According to data from the , during 20222 colon and rectal cancers will be the most diagnosed. For this reason, prevention, of which colonoscopy is a fundamental part, is essential to minimize risks and detect it in time.

In fact, the improvement in the quality of colonoscopies has allowed greater early detection of colorectal cancer. This fact is especially beneficial in higher-risk patients such as those with Lynch syndrome, the most common form of hereditary colorectal cancer. These patients have a 70% higher risk of developing this type of cancer.

A study published last year by Dr. Balaguer explains that the quality of the colonoscopy, bowel preparation before performing the test, the use of high-definition endoscopes, and chromoendoscopy (a type of endoscopy in which dyes or filters are used) of the image to better visualize the lesions), allows a better detection of pre-malignant lesions. In addition, performing endoscopies every 2 years helps prevent or catch the disease in time.

Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is key to preventing colorectal cancer.

Prevent colorectal cancer

Before the colonoscopy, from an early age, there are several formulas to prevent this cancer with such a high prevalence. The experts from the Spanish Digestive System Foundation (FEAD) point out some of the healthiest guidelines for our intestine:

  • Reduce fats in the diet.

  • Increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables and introduce whole grains, healthier than processed ones.

  • Dairy consumption is related to a beneficial effect in reducing the risk of colon cancer.

  • Eat foods rich in calcium, such as broccoli or fish, and (eggs or oily fish).

  • Reduce the consumption of red meat.

  • Keep a healthy weight.

  • No tobacco or alcohol.

  • Practice physical exercise on a regular basis.

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