What does it mean to dream that your ex-partner kisses you?

One of the great references of psychology, Sigmund Freud has dedicated much of his life to studying the language of dreams and has postulated that there are unconscious components in them. about which we do not have knowledge or access so easily.

Although each dream is different and we always forget many details when we wake up, there are some that are more frequent: falling from a building, being naked in a public place, dying, flying, not being able to run.

But it also happens that the characters in our lives often visit us in dreams. Friends we haven’t seen in a long time, family members and even ex-partners. Sometimes they appear as we remember them, but other times they have different appearances. These are the cases in which we say that it was that person, but with the body or face of another.


What does it mean to dream about an ex-partner?

What does it mean to dream about an ex-partner?

Dreaming about an ex does not always lead to a good awakening. It may be that the relationship did not end well, or that it still causes us anguish, or that we simply no longer want to remember. Why does it appear then?

Your unconscious It is loaded with emotions and memories that you block, and some continue to be transited, processed for a long time. Even more so if there is a specific situation that you are experiencing now that awakens some of those desires or fears that remind you of your ex.

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What happens if there is a kiss?

What happens if there is a kiss?

Dreaming about your ex does not always mean that you miss him, but if there is a kiss and you are with another partner, it may be that your subconscious is telling you that there is something that you have not closed yet.

If after kissing him he disappears, then you may be afraid to face new challenges. There is something from the past that you think is binding you.

If he rejects you, it is a reminder of your lack of security. You have to realize how much you are worth!