What does it mean to dream about horses – Dream interpretation

On many occasions our dreams can be characterized by the presence of animals, such as horses. Although the most common thing is for dogs, cats or other domestic species to appear in dreams that we usually live with or are used to seeing in our daily lives, the truth is that we can also witness dreams in which our subconscious reflects such animals. as uncommon in our daily lives as equids are.

In this Psychology-Online article, we want to explain to you what the meaning of dreaming about horsesfocusing on white, brown, running, dead and runaway horses.

Interpretation of dreaming about horses

Dreaming about horses does not have to carry negative connotations, but rather a representation of freedom, as well as physical energy and an active and strong state. However, as in all dreams, depending on the type of horse that appears in ours, as well as the circumstances in which it is found, our dream may represent a warning of something unpleasant that could happen to us if we do not act well. time or good and successful things that may be yet to come.

Dreaming about black horses is not the same as dreaming about white horses. Dreaming about horses running wild is not the same as dreaming about calm horses. Or even dream about dead horses. Therefore, below we will see each detailed interpretation. In this article you will find more information about .

Get closer to the fascinating equine world with this book dedicated entirely to horses. Discover essential data about its role in history and its relationship with human beings.

Meaning of dreaming about white horses

Normally the color white never symbolizes anything bad, quite the opposite. White is the symbol of purity and carried by an animal as noble and full of strength as the horse, can only reflect positive connotations. Thus, dreaming about white horses is usually an indication of prosperity, strength and fortune. The vision of white horses in a dream usually means that we should take advantage of all the opportunities that come our way to make the change or turn we need in our life.

Meaning of dreaming about brown or black horses

Although the opacity of this color can mean something negative, the truth is that a brown horse in our dreams is also a symbol of good vibes. You may need to take control of your life. to go after your goals and biggest dreams again. Regain that power of independence and being yourself that you lost by pleasing others.

Closely related to the above, a brown horse in our dream is usually the indicator that you are in a situation surrounded by things that are affecting you. You may need to get out of there by making those decisions that, although they will be hard, will lead you back to pursuing your goals.

Meaning of dreaming about horses running

Everything will depend on how the horse is running and the circumstances in which it does so. If the horse appears in dreams running elegantly, this may be synonymous with your life is on the right track and you will be able to successfully achieve all the goals you set for yourself.

However, if the horse is running quickly away from you and in the opposite direction, it may be a representation that a loved one is cheating on you and moving away from you or planning something that will cause you great pain.

Meaning of dreaming about dead horses

The presence of any dead animal in a dream never usually carries positive connotations. So, if you have had a dream in which you have witnessed a dead horse, because this animal is a symbol of strength and vitality, this image in dreams represents the loss of a family member, friend or partner who gave you strength and is no longer by your side. It may be due to end of a relationship sentimental or friendly, as well as the death of a family member or close friend to whom you were very close.

Meaning of runaway horses

Since horses are also a great symbol of freedom in dreams, it is evident that dreaming about runaway horses can only represent a freedom that you have lost because your fears don’t let you move forward. There is a barrier between you and your dreams that you are not able to break in order to achieve them. That runaway horse in your dreams takes the form of great advice: fight to overcome your fears, don’t give up and don’t let anything get in the way of your happiness and your dreams.

Other meanings of dreaming about horses

In addition to those already described, dreaming about horses can have other meanings depending on other characteristics or scenarios of the dream:

  • Dream about riding a horse: If in the dream you appear taking a horse ride calmly and moving at the same pace as the horse, this can only mean something positive. However, if you are trying to ride a horse that won’t let you or resists you, this can symbolize the existence of a romantic or friendly relationship in which you are trying to do your part to get along so that there is peace and harmony but you are only getting misunderstandings, arguments and fights.
  • Dreaming about horses fighting: It is possible that lately you have found yourself immersed in different and serious problems with your partner or a family member that are worrying you and are not allowing you to find peace within yourself.
  • Dream about small horses: because the horse symbolizes strength, if it is small the representation is that of limited strength. You probably need to reinforce your self-esteem or you find yourself in a situation of weakness towards something or a person.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Meaningpedia. Meaning of dreaming about horses. Retrieved from: https://www.significadopedia.com/suenos/sonar-con-caballos/
  • Horse breeds. What does it mean to dream about horses. Recovered from: https://razasdecaballos.us/consejos/que-significa-sonar-con-caballos/
  • Women’s Journal. Dreaming about a brown horse: take the reins. Recovered from: https://www.diariofemenino.com/psicologia/significado-de-los-suenos/sonar-con-un-caballo-marron-toma-las-riendas/
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