What does it mean to DREAM about a HOUSE – Psychological interpretation

Although it may seem otherwise, dreams have more importance than we may be giving them, because dreaming is interpreting the reality we live every day and our most frequent feelings, emotions and thoughts. On many occasions, these dreams may be negative, they are what we know as nightmares, but other times they are reflections of a very positive reality.

There are dreams considered very strange, the product of a mixture of the person’s feelings and thoughts. However, there is a long list of very recurring dreams in people and surely you have already had some of them, possibly even on several occasions. For example, dreaming about a house is one of the most common dreams. In this Psychology-Online article, we explain the meaning of dreaming about a housefocusing on the meaning of dreaming about a new house, a big one, an old one and one with many rooms.

Meaning of dreaming about a big house

The meaning of dreaming about a house can vary depending on that house, but also depending on the actions or intentions of the dream: dreaming about visiting a house is not the same as dreaming about buying a house or dreaming about a house under construction. . We will see all the interpretations of this dream.

What does it mean to dream of a big, beautiful house? Dreaming about a house can have different meanings, depending on how the house appears in our subconscious. First of all, it is important to know that the concept of a house in dreams is usually the representation of ourselves, a reflection of who we are, what we want to have and our fears. Furthermore, each room that makes up the house is a reference to a personal aspect that characterizes us.

In this sense, if you dream of a big house, it means that you are having a life full of success professionals and at an economic and family level the environment is pleasant and without problems.

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Meaning of dreaming about an old house

If the house is old in the dream, this may refer to the fact that Lately you are not worrying much about your health, your physique, your work or business, etc. This type of dream is trying to warn you about how badly things can end if you don’t start paying the attention that the most important things in your life deserve. This same meaning is also attributed to dreaming about a dirty, abandoned or ugly house.

Meaning of dreaming about a new house

As with the dream of having a big house, if it is also new, you may know or have a feeling that very soon your life will take a positive and successful change or that it has already taken place and you feel happy and calm with it. Dreaming of a large and luxurious new house is a good sign.

Meaning of dreaming about a house with many rooms

Each room that makes up a house, in our dreams, refers to each of our personal aspects. Therefore, dreaming of a house with many rooms can be the representation we enjoy a very rich inner life with many forms of thought and characteristics that nourish us as a person and our self-knowledge, although many times only we ourselves are aware of it and the people around us do not know it. That is, outside we are representing being less than what we really are.

This dream is related to dreaming about discovering rooms, whose meaning, following the previous interpretation, could be related to discovering new facets of yourself or developing new areas of your life.

Interpretation of dreaming about a house with other nuances

In addition to those already described, dreaming about a house can have other meanings that, although less recurrent, are just as common. For example, dreaming about an empty house is synonymous with insecurity.

  • Dreaming of a house that has no walls: It is likely that a lack of intimacy is happening in your life at the family level, with friends or other outside relationships or at work.
  • Dreaming about a messy house: indicates that we are witnessing instability, which can be both emotional and in economic, work or family aspects.
  • Dreaming that we clean a house: In the case of dreaming about cleaning a house, it is possible that life wants to warn us that we need a renovation of our interior.
  • Dreaming that we build a house: Dreaming about a house under construction means that we are witnessing new positive projects that are coming in our lives.
  • Dreaming about a flooded house: unexpected events in our lives that we have to face as best we can.
  • Dream about a country house: You long for a quiet life, away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the stress of work. It is possible that the circumstances of the moment are telling you that you need a break in your life.
  • Dream about a glass house: Lately you are receiving comments that are hurting you. If you don’t do anything about it, everything could get worse and you will end up losing your dignity.
  • Dream about visiting a house: As we indicated previously, the house is the representation of oneself, so dreaming that you visit a house is positive and can be interpreted as that you are having more contact with yourself.
  • Dream about buying a house: The interpretation of this dream can refer to betting on oneself or investing in oneself.

Furthermore, on many occasions, we can only dream about a specific room in the house. In this case, the bedroom is a reflection of our love life, the basement of our fears and the attic are our aspirations, especially professional.

Whatever type of house appeared in your dream, remember to analyze it in detail. In most cases, dreams are a warning that something is happening in our lives and we need to pay attention to it.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Cheung, T. (2019). The Dream Dictionary from A to Z. London: Thorsons.
  • Colin, D. (2019). Dream Interpretation for Dummies. Barcelona: Grupo Planeta.
  • Hindman, G. (2012). 10,000 Dreams Interpreted. CreateSpace.
  • Persico, L. (2013). 5,005 dreams: interpretation and meaning. LIBSA.
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