What are the 10 most important values ​​for the world? A list that reveals our interests

People, and societies in general, are governed by interests and preferences. From the moment we are born we are destined to choose between millions of possibilities, in addition to defining our path based on our inclination to certain things, activities or beliefs. Over time these predilections define the most important values ​​in the world, that is, what inspires, interests or worries us most.

Each being is defined by certain values, but that is a personal lesson. However, when we bring together everyone’s ideas and recognize what unites us, then we find the most influential values ​​in the world.

Our basic values ​​as humanity reveal our ideals, political and social preferences, work and environmental interests, etc. Practically through these values ​​we can define the personality of humanity.

According to the Valuegraphics survey, which integrates half a million surveys in more than 152 languages, it was possible to identify 56 values ​​that influence human behavior. This means that we know what matters most to the majority of people in the world, and according to the study it translates into the following values.

The 10 most important values ​​in the world

Although it is not a big surprise, family continues to be the most important value worldwide. This gives us some hope, since, although it seems that we are mired in material consumption, human beings are still searching for a deep connection.

Likewise, relationships, financial security and belonging are placed at the top. At the same time that we seek to maintain our human side, the reality is that we are also concerned about financial and job security.

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After all, we live in a world that requires movement and to survive we need work or a source of income. However, we consider that there is a crucial value that we have forgotten: the environment.

A large part of our existence is based on the planet, we cannot function well unless the environment gives us everything that allows us to survive. In this sense, it is urgent to include nature among the most important values, motivate us to take care of it and take as much interest in its care as we do with the family or even our own safety.

As the world advances and becomes more complex, understanding how values ​​influence our lives is a way to delve deeper into how to be better. What matters most to you?