Twelve micro habits to improve your daily life

There are some small changes that can be made in daily routines that allow important transformations in the future.

When developing new and better habits in our lives we need to make changes both in our environment and in our attitude, changes that require great effort.

Let us remember that A habit is built over a set period of time in which it is repeated day after day and motivation plays an important role, as well as a great challenge.

What are micro habits?

At this point, micro habits enter the radar, those actions that require minimal motivation or effort to be completed and that, as the days go by, help achieve a larger goal.

They work because They are so simple that you can’t make an excuse not to do without realizing it they become a habit.

Characteristics of micro habits:

  • Must be related to something you like or want to do. It should not be imposed
  • It must be something that you can do in a short timethis is what makes it “micro”.
  • Must be so small that it is difficult to miss or not execute it.
  • Has to increase every day by a very small percentage to improve.
  • You must focus on perform the habit instead of worrying about the result. Remember, you are developing the skill of being consistent.

You can exercise one or more of the ones we recommend below from the list of the Instagram productivity and motivation account: .

  1. Don’t snooze the alarmget up as soon as the first one rings.
  2. Avoid looking at your cell phone as the first activity of the day.
  3. Start your morning with your morning routine and a little exercise or movement so that you can wake up fully.
  4. make your bed.
  5. Read 5 pages of a book a dayor whatever you can, any progress is better than none.
  6. Dedicate 15 minutes of your morning or your night to write down all the pending items you have.
  7. Study at least 30 minutes up to date.
  8. If you feel like you can’t concentrate because you have a thousand things on your mind, always keep a notebook nearby where you can write down all those thoughts that distract youand then, with more time, you review them.
  9. Sleep the number of hours necessary for you.
  10. do exercise minimum 20 minutes a day.
  11. When you start to get lazy, do something you like: make your favorite coffee, go for a walk, look at the sky, do whatever it takes to get active again.
  12. Takeat least, two liters of water.
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