Turn a spotlight into a beautiful hanging vase

Reduce, reuse and recycle are three actions to reduce pollution in the world, reduce the effects of climate change and improve the quality of life of many people. However, we do not always have the creativity or knowledge to give a second life to numerous elements in our home.

When you turn on the light, suddenly one of the incandescent lamps – or light bulbs – burns out. Instead of throwing away a bulb that stopped working, give it a second life as a hanging vase. Here we tell you how to achieve it.


  • A light bulb or incandescent lamp
  • Pliers or tweezers
  • String
  • Protective glasses
  • Instructions:

    1. The edge of the spotlight, there is a round metal cap. Use the pliers to remove the cover.

    2. To go inside the bulb, remove the black piece of glass. Do this by holding the metal base of the bulb to prevent the bulb from breaking. With a few taps, the black glass will break.

    3. Once the black glass is removed, you will need to remove the glass enclosing the filament. Again, hold the metal base of the bulb and use the tip of the pliers to remove it. Once it’s broken, continue using the tweezers to remove the filament to make an opening.

    4. Now, use the twine to tie it around the metal base.

    5. Use to decorate the bulb.

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