This breakfast will keep you full until lunchtime (and it’s not fattening)

Do you have breakfast but by mid-morning you feel hungry again? The solution is not to eat more at the first meal of the day, but to do it better. Choosing foods that are slowly absorbed is key to keeping hunger at bay and not snacking between meals. If at breakfast time you like to eat something sweet, you will love this recipe.


  • Two tablespoons of

  • frozen berries

  • plain yogurt

  • One ounce of dark chocolate

  • Nuts (to taste)

Make a “porridge” oatmeal for breakfast is not an increasingly widespread option for breakfast because it is a healthy and filling option. If you don’t like its taste too much and don’t know how to make it an attractive dish, this is the solution: add fruit, yogurt and chocolate.

(either in a saucepan with a little water or in the microwave with heat strokes), we place it in a bowl and put an ounce of dark chocolate in the center so that it melts with the heat of the preparation. Next, we add two tablespoons of natural yogurt and the previously crushed frozen fruit. This will add a fresh, sweet and fun touch to breakfast.

To finish, the ideal is to add a crunchy touch with some nuts. Almonds or hazelnuts are very good.

oats benefits

  • Take care of the heart and brain. Surely many do not know that oats are perfect for the heart in general and also for the brain. This is due to the large amount of linoleic acid, omega 3 and unsaturated fats it contains.
  • For the skin, in homemade masks. One of the most effective, and unknown, uses of oats is on the skin. It is perfect to take care of it. For example, oatmeal has exfoliating properties and is very effective in removing dead skin cells. In addition, it is recommended for all skin types.
  • And, as if that were not enough, it has properties anti-inflammatory. With oats and easy-to-find ingredients like honey, it is possible to make very effective homemade masks.

  • Balances the functioning of the nervous system. On the other hand, it should be noted that oats are rich in vitamins and minerals, among others from the B complex. For this reason, it helps to develop, maintain and balance the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Tranquilizing and sedative. Oats contain what is called avenin, which acts against nervousness. So it’s perfect against insomnia or stress due to its calming and sedative properties. This property is undoubtedly one of the least known of oats.
  • Soak the oats. Finally, one aspect that must be taken into account, as has been published in specialized forums, is the subject of “antinutrients”. These are substances that must be deactivated so that they do not interfere with the assimilation of nutrients. At this point, something that is unknown in reference to oats is that it should be soaked to consume it. In this way, the so-called “antinutrients” are deactivated.
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