They went to dinner at a restaurant and her boyfriend left her speechless when it came time to ask for the bill.

However, this time it is not about a conversation in which a Chilean owner refused to rent to an Argentine woman, but about the technique that a man used to ask the waiter for the bill.

A new way to request the account

María, whose Twitter user is @alessamcasasco, tweeted that her partner got hooked on a thread she saw on the social network about the different ways to ask the waiter to bring the check to the tables. “My boyfriend spent a week laughing at the thread about how to ask for the bill. We went to eat and he told me ‘today is the day’. He called the waiter and told him ‘let’s do show numbers,'” María posted. The tweet went viral and accumulated more than 171 thousand likes and almost 7 thousand retweets.


In addition, other users contributed their comments and memes about asking the waiter for the bill. “My ex said ‘we broke up’ every time they brought the bill”, “‘Tell me if I owe you something because every time I come they don’t want to charge me’, the new guys don’t understand anything”, “The best one I heard was from the great Alejandro Dolina a few years ago: ‘Eu! Waiter! The painful one please!'” were some of the responses to the viral tweet.

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According to the Crónica website, “Do we close male numbers?”, “Do we end the male quantitative activity?” were other creative ways to request the ticket. At the beginning of January of this year, the streamer and comedian Luquitas Rodríguez went viral for the ways of requesting the bill.

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Internet users participated with more curious methods

Damn, I don’t speak… I do the typical hand-up gesture, like writing something…

— Marte5 (@marte5h)

I’m a waitress and every time they do that I think of wingardium leviosa

— Yelitza Guillen (@yelitzaguillen)