The weight-loss tea you should drink at night, according to nutritionists

Although in recent months numerous scientists and nutritionists have made an effort on social networks to try to get the idea that there is no magic recipe for losing weight other than that the only way to slim down with health is to fall into a caloric deficit today some studies with proven efficacy have discovered that There are some infusions that can help you in a task that is not easy today.

In this sense, several studies have shown in recent weeks how green tea can help you reduce fat and Green tea is a type of infusion that, as explained in the magazine Mens Health internationally, is made of the same ingredients as black but “processed differently”.

The first thing you have to be clear about is that if you start infusions you will have fewer moments to consume caloric and sugary drinks, so by subtracting those empty calories that you ingest with certain liquids, it will be easier for you to lose weight.

In addition, a recent study has shown that a significant number of overweight people who drank green tea or any of its extracts lost more weight than those who did not drink it. In the aforementioned article, it is commented, for example, that a recent study from the University of Oklahoma revealed that people who drank tea lost almost a kilo more than people who did not during the first month in which they began to control their diet. . In addition, and what is almost more important for scientific studies on weight loss, many of those who managed to reduce the numbers on the scale attacked obesity precisely where it most interested them: in abdominal fat, which was the one that reduced the most. of all.

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If something worries as much in the female sex as that, it is undoubtedly the belly. It is there where many look when they want to lose weight although this summer there is not much beach to show off.

What is boldo? Boldo is a tree native to Chile, although it can also be found in parts of Europe and Africa. It is a very tall and dark-colored tree that has been known since ancient times for its useful properties for digestive health.

Although some studies and discoveries suggest that our ancestors used this raw plant, nowadays the most common thing is to make one with it. Either by diluting the leaves directly in hot water, or by chopping them first, making a true infusion.

Some recommend diluting it with another type of infusionthat of yerba mate, usually made with the dried leaves of another tree of South American origin.

Boldo has many properties: it contains eucalyptus and ascaridiol, which protect tissues with their anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to improve bile secretion and gastric juices, and contributes to maintaining good cardiovascular health, thanks to some of its components.