The vitamin that helps improve your memory and strengthen it

They are essential for proper physiological functioning. We need them to live and we assimilate them through the , because, in general, they cannot be elaborated by the organism. Of course, for this we must follow a balanced dietingesting natural products that provide us these essential nutrients in the right amounts.

If we need help, a specialist can guide us on to bring a healthy diet that includes the necessary vitamins. In addition, these vitamins help to strengthen our body and prevent its deterioration over the years.

types of vitamins

Among vitamins, different types can be distinguished: fat-soluble (A, D, E, K), which dissolve in fats and oils, and water-soluble (C and B), according to .

These are the main types of vitamins:

  • Vitamin A. Antioxidant, strengthens the immune system, protects the skin and intervenes in the vision process of the retina. It is present in foods of animal origin, although in vegetables it is found as provitamin A.
  • Vitamin B1. It is necessary to break down carbohydrates. It stabilizes the nervous system and helps control diabetes. It is found in whole grain cereals and rice or dried legumes.
  • Vitamin B2. Riboflavin participates in the processes of cellular respiration and liver detoxification and improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair, mucous membranes and the ocular system, as well as protecting against anemia. It is obtained from meat, fish and foods rich in protein.
  • Vitamin B3. Niacin is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and acts on blood circulation, growth, and the respiratory and nervous systems. It is obtained in meats, eggs, or whole grains.
  • Vitamin B5. Pathothenic acid is necessary for the nervous system. Its lack causes inattention and apathy. Eggs and whole grains can provide this vitamin.
  • Vitamin B6. Pyridoxine is essential to metabolize proteins. It is found in almost all foods, both of animal and vegetable origin.
  • Vitamin B9. Folic acid is involved in the processes of cell division and multiplication and the formation of red blood cells, as well as in the development of the fetal nervous system during pregnancy. It is found in meats, whole grains, spinach, bananas, almonds or peanuts.
  • B12 vitamin. Cobalamin is essential for the formation of red blood cells and for body growth and tissue regeneration. The most important sources of this vitamin are foods of animal origin.
  • Vitamin C. It is antiseptic and hardly accumulates in the body because it is soluble, which . It is largely obtained from citrus fruits, kiwi, cauliflower or tomato, among other foods.
  • Vitamin D. Regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and is formed in the skin with the action of ultraviolet rays. It is provided, for example, by fish such as salmon or sardines.
  • Vitamin E. It has a broad antioxidant capacity, stabilizes cell membranes, modulates the activity of certain enzymes, and prevents cardiovascular disorders. Vegetable oils are sources of vitamin E, especially those with the highest content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as corn or sunflower oils. It is also present in cereal grains, beets, celery or spinach.
  • Vitamin H. Biotin or vitamin B8 helps the formation of glucose from carbohydrates and fats. It can be obtained from foods such as nuts, chocolate, fruit or milk.
  • vitamin k It is what helps blood clotting. It is found in foods of vegetable origin such as cabbage, cauliflower, green beans, peas, spinach or lettuce.
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In case we need to take vitamin supplementsusually by deficiency statesit is advisable to know the risks, although we must always follow the recommendations of a health professional.

A study by the Mapfre Foundation and the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics focused precisely on misuse of some food supplements, of whose effectiveness there is often no scientific evidence if they are not consumed correctly. According to this study, based on a survey of 2,600 Spaniards, four out of ten consumers buy vitamin complexes.