The trick to fall asleep quickly in summer that has revolutionized healthcare and applies thousands of people

sleeping in pajamas also has its advantages

An English doctor named Jess Andrade has become the latest viral phenomenon in the world. The reason? She has given a trick to fall asleep fast that many people are applying and that they say works for almost everyone. It’s about sleeping in socks. “The use of this garment warms the feet and opens the blood vessels. In addition, since the rest of the body is cool, the brain receives the order to rest”, says the doctor, emphasizing, yes, that the socks must be clean.

The truth is that the so-called pandemic fatigue, health problems and increasingly rare personal relationships are causing more and more people to have trouble falling asleep. Some problems that are aggravated if you think about them and if they are not remedied.

Sleep, at least eight hours and restful, is essential for a full life. That’s why many doctors insist that you have to take bedtime seriously. In this sense, many experts point out that the most important thing in the first place is to set a time to go to bed and another to get up. And always respect it. Let it be stable and not change depending on the day.

Before going to sleep it is also essential to put aside the screens They can upset us and have dinner several hours before. Poor sleep means that the day is faced with less energy and strength and therefore we have less aptitude at work or even when playing sports.

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