The table of fat burning exercises that you can do without leaving home: there are only 7 exercises

Want but you don’t have time or you don’t want to spend the money in a gym? Well don’t worry. Exercising at home is easy if you know how. The first thing you have to do is start changing your routines. It is essential to move more on a daily basis to walk to work, use the bicycle more€ and do exercises at home.

In this article we propose a series of seven exercises agreed by experts in gymnastics and with a sequence type “tabata” (high intensity training). That is, you have to do each exercise four times (each of those times you work 40 seconds and rest another 20 seconds). In total and in summary: 28 minutes of training with which you will be able to lose weight with almost no effort (but, yes, with a lot of willpower). Below we explain them.

Remember that you can also combine them with to improve their results.

Squat “Sumo”

The name says it all: it’s about making squats like you’re a sumo wrestler. Open your legs fully and place them making a 180 degree angle. One looking to the right and one to the left. With your hands on your belly, go up and down. Remember 40 seconds each exercise, 20 rest and seven repetitions.

Lunch (scissors)

It is a “classic to get buttocks of steel” according to athletes. It is about taking one leg forward leaving the other behind and making strength to go down and up. In this video they explain how.

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glute bridge

It is an exercise to tone the buttocks. It is about lying on the ground and lifting only that area of ​​the body. Don’t cheat with your legs. You will notice pain and soreness but remember that the more you practice, the better it will come out (and the less pain it will cause your buttocks).


It is perhaps the most common exercise. To do these planks or push-ups you can vary the modality and thus the exercises will be less boring.


As if you were an athlete about to leave the starting point of a race, exercise first one foot and then the other. As this is a series of exercises called “Tabata” (high intensity) try to do the exercise faster and faster. It’s only 40 seconds and then you’ll have 20 rest.

isometric planks

They are considered the best exercise you can do to strengthen your abs. It is about staying still with the abdomen tense as if you were going to do a push-up but leaning on your elbows bent and without moving.


It is an exercise that practically combines all of the above: you start by doing a squat and you end up jumping.