The story of “The Dybbuk box”, the most haunted object in the world

The popular Dybbuk box It is one of those objects that have been related to the In fact, some dare to call it “the most haunted in the world”, and to which a large number of dark or unfortunate events have been attributed to those who have dared to have it in their possession and, even worse, when opening it.


The word “dybbuk” comes from Jewish mythology and is an evil spirit that is capable of possessing a living person; However, it began to be associated with an old wine box in 2003 after a man, Kevin Mannis, put it up for sale through the eBay platform, reporting a dark story about its origin.

He stated that he acquired it in 2001 and bought it from his granddaughter. a holocaust survivor; Furthermore, he assured that they had told him that this grandmother had managed to escape from Poland to Spain, after it was invaded by the Nazis, taking only 3 belongings with her and, of course, one of them was the box. Apparently, This woman had always kept it closed, stating that it contained a demon inside (Dybbuk). that when it leaves it could cause terrible tragedies.


What for many turned out to be the most shocking thing was that, after telling the story and expose all the things you would have had to go through on account of this box, Mannis ended the text with the word “help me.” From that moment on, it is said that the box has passed from owner to owner, and those who have had it claim to have suffered great consequences, hearing voices, having visions about a witch, presenting unexplained health problems, among many other terrifying experiences.

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The truth comes to light

Years later, the same man who put this box up for sale and created a deep fear in those who knew the storyKevin Manis revealed in an interview with ‘Input Magazine’ that everything he said about this object was an invention because at that time he needed money to generate such a stir. could help you achieve it.


He claimed that he actually bought the box in 2001 at a garage sale, he himself carved what is on the back and he even put two strands of hair inside it to make it more believable. “I am a creative writer. Dybbuk Box was a story I created and achieved exactly what I intended when I published it… for it to become a real-time interactive horror story,” she explained; besides, A close friend confirmed these claims.

However, later owners claim that, even if that were the true story, This box does have an evil influence and that “whoever created Dybbuk Box gave it the power to do something… they created a ripple effect in people’s lives”; In fact, they add that many things have happened that have been documented. Regardless of the power this object has, It has become a trendso much so that they have created numerous replicas and even inspired a movie: ‘The Possession’.

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