The neurobic improves and stimulates the functioning of the brain

The brain acts like one more muscle and if it is not exercised it can atrophy and lose its cognitive abilities, as pointed out by specialists from the firm specialized in nutrition and healthy lifestyle Herbalife Nutrition, who recommend practicing neurobic, a set of exercises and activities that stimulate the brain, keep it young and allow those who practice it to achieve healthy aging.

And it is that, in the same way that sports and daily physical activity are carried out to keep the muscles and bones in good shape, the The brain also needs to exercise so as not to atrophy and lose its cognitive abilities, especially at advanced ages, when functional deterioration -whether due to natural aging or neurodegenerative diseases- is inevitable.

The neurobicor brain gymnastics, is the set of exercises and activities focused on improve and stimulate the functioning of the two hemispheres of the brain, thus allowing an increase in neuronal activity. And aware that the effects of age on the brain can be slowed down with a good diet, an active lifestyle and daily physical and mental exercise, recommends doing these activities to keep the brain young and active:

  • Perform mental exercises: hobbies
    Routine activities do not involve any type of effort for the brain, something that has a direct impact on its performance. To improve coordination, concentration and overall brain health, it is important to exercise and stimulate this part of the body. Hobbies like sudoku, crossword puzzles or word search puzzles, among others, or mental arithmetic, are a great way to train your brain in a fun way. These games pose a challenge, because force the brain to stay active by having to make an effort to think and to be able to solve the enigmas. All this facilitates the creation of new neurons and connections between them and, ultimately, improves brain activity and health.
  • change habits
    The brain needs action. Automatic movements and acts plunge you into a state of unhelpful inactivity. One way to deal with this situation is to change habits and small daily routines so that the brain is forced to work and make an effort, that is, stay active. Some ideas: brush your teeth or use the computer mouse with your less skilled hand, put your watch on the opposite wrist to the one you usually wear, move objects that are used daily or mentally remember the shopping list, phone numbers or other data.
  • Handwrite
    People live connected to computers and digital technology, so everything analog is less and less frequent. However, writing by hand is a good neurobic exercise and one of the most complete, because it exercises three capacities at the same time: visual -observing what is being written on the paper-, motor -tracing the letters and/or words-, and cognitive -remembering each letter to be able to compose the wording-. For all these reasons, writing by hand benefits the brain, favors memory, helps to process and elaborate information better, and enhances learning.

Reading is reading is a very complete activity and a healthy habit to maintain, over time, brain activities

  • Read
    According to a study carried out by Peruvian researchers, in which the Complutense University of Madrid participated, people who read little show lower general cognitive performance. Also, they have less processing speed, imagination, attention, etc. It is clear that reading is a very complete activity and a healthy habit, since it not only improves abstract thinking, but also the functioning and cognitive reserve of the brain, that is, the ability to maintain brain activities over time. .
  • take care of rest
    If you sleep for more than eight hours as a child, as you get older, the hours of sleep decrease. This is something inevitable, but what can be improve is the quality of sleep. To maintain proper brain health, in addition to resting for 7 hours, experts recommend keeping a schedule for getting up and going to bed at the same time every day, avoiding long naps that go beyond half an hour, and not using electronic devices before going to sleep. .
  • Follow a healthy and balanced nutrition
    Diet has a direct impact on brain health. Therefore, it is important not only avoid alcohol and tobacco usewhich contribute to premature aging, but to wear a healthy and balanced diet that allows to keep the brain young and prevent its cognitive deterioration. Fruits, vegetables, vegetables and fish provide the nutritional benefits necessary to keep the brain at full capacity and prevent cognitive deterioration. Therefore, including these foods in the diet, in addition to daily physical exercise, will improve health and help to age in a healthy way.

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