The feeling of Emptiness: What it is and how to treat it –

What does the feeling of emptiness consist of?

For the majority, it is a specific problem, a specific state of apathy and lack of motivation which generally occurs after some more or less traumatic event, to disappear shortly after or dilute with the passage of daily activity. It is nothing more than part of the process of adapting to a new situation. It is common to feel this way at some point in your life and recover without major consequences.

However, other times that feeling of emptiness becomes entrenched in the depths of the person and becomes a source of constant anguish, of internal conflict. All of this leads to a generalized loss of motivation that interferes in all areas of life, generates difficulties in emotional expression, to a greater or lesser degree, and a disconnection from the social and interpersonal context.

This emotional helplessness can translate into anxiety crises and aggressive behavior towards oneself or those around one. It is related to a feeling of “not having anything inside”, of “feeling alone” or that “something is missing in my life but I don’t know what it is”, as many of the patients in consultation claim. Normally, that feeling of emptiness warns us of something else, aspects of our personality that need to be worked on or balanced.

He emotional void It is usually characteristic of certain personality disorders, such as BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), psychotic and depressive disorders; and often works as a triggering factor for addictions or eating behavior problems.

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Causes of feeling empty

At the base of a complex problem like this, there is usually an intricate feeling of personal frustration. That is to say, there is a certain predisposition in certain individuals. Now, the reasons that trigger this feeling of emptiness can be very varied, frequently associated with emotional shortcomings or specific losses. For example:

  • death of a loved one;
  • separations;
  • dissatisfaction in the relationship;
  • emotional loneliness or repression of emotions in childhood;
  • important life changes;
  • fears;
  • emotional dependence;
  • feelings of guilt;
  • excessive self-demand;
  • etc

Symptoms of emotional emptiness

  • In it physiological planeit is common for the person to refer to a kind of pressure in the chest.
  • In it cognitive field They highlight the feeling of apathy, boredom, reluctance, insecurity, sadness, frustration, anxiety…
  • In it behavioral terrain Aggressive and self-destructive behaviors, social isolation, addictive behaviors, eating disorders… can be observed.

Most common reactions to fill that void

Many times, people who suffer from it want to fill that void at all costs. Driven by anxiety, they take refuge in:

  • drugs or alcohol;
  • compulsive consumption;
  • gambling addiction;
  • work addiction;
  • sex addiction;
  • inadequate food intakes;
  • etc

However, none of this will solve the problem, but rather will aggravate it. This profound lack of being cannot be made up for by the mere possession of things or with superficial patches. The person must discover what is really missing to improve your emotional state and regain your stability.


The treatment should aim, first of all, at recognition of emptiness and the need to search for a new meaning, to set new vital objectives, to open up to a new opportunity…

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It is necessary look inside. This internal search will help detect what has been missing in life or what exactly those losses have meant, instead of looking for things outside in a disorderly way.

Therefore, it is necessary to help the person find and develop Strategies to deal with emptiness and offer guidelines for detection of negative thoughts and its management.

In most cases it will be essential to work selfconcept and the feelings of self-esteem.

To mitigate the physiological symptoms, we will resort to relaxation and meditation techniques. At this point the importance of proper breathing should be emphasized. Breathing deeply will relieve that feeling of pressure in the chest, etc.

If the triggering psychological wound has been identified, it may be advisable to resort to psychotherapeutic methods such as (Desensitization and Reprocessing through Eye Movements) or (Synchronization of Cerebral Hemispheres).

The feeling of emptiness is usually a clinical sign of disorders such as , or , so in these cases it will be addressed within a broader specialized psychotherapeutic context.