The dessert that deflates the belly and you can have breakfast and dinner to lose weight

It is a special diet whose main ingredient is . A food that everyone likes, derived from the fermentation of milk and contains healthy bacteria. Yogurt is undoubtedly a healthy food with numerous benefits.

This diet is short-lived – four or five days, maximum one week – but promises excellent results. But you have to be careful not to continue it for a long time, since it is an unbalanced diet. The star of the diet is yogurt, which can be used in a thousand recipes. How is this diet carried out? We explain it to you.

According to studies, you can quickly lose up to 4 or 5 kilos in a few days thanks to this fast diet. It seems absurd, but it is true. Yogurt helps flatten the stomach and deflates it. In this way, weight is lost, but in good health, since lactic acid bacteria restore the balance of the intestinal flora.

Yogurt contains many vitamins, calcium, protein and amino acids. It is also low in calories, making it perfect for diets. Natural yogurt only contains 120 calories per 100 grams. Being a low calorie product, it is excellent for a diet. Having breakfast with him is a good habit to face the day, because yogurt purifies the body. But it is also good to eat it as a snack or before meals.

But let’s move on to the diet itself. What does it consist of? Well, we recommend having breakfast with natural yogurt, adding pieces of fruit, and green tea or coffee without sugar. We can also add cereals. As a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack, we can have another cup of green tea with fruit. The diet is structured in this way:

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  • Day 1: Breakfast with green tea (or coffee without sugar), 300g of yoghurt, lunch 220g of salad, dinner vegetable soup, nuts and 300g of yoghurt.

  • Day 2: For lunch 50g of brown rice with tuna and tomato, 200g of yogurt with cereals and fruit. For dinner 300g of yogurt, fruit and fish with grilled vegetables.

  • Day 3: Lunch of 200g of fish and seasonal vegetables, dinner of 300g of yogurt and fruit.

  • Day 4: Lunch with 150 g of fish and vegetables, or 300 g of yogurt with fruit. At dinner 300g of yogurt, cereals and fruit. Fifth day: 50g of brown rice with steamed vegetables and 200g of salad. At dinner, 300g of yogurt with fruit.

Being a very restricted diet, it can only be done for a few days and in optimal physical conditions. It is not suitable for frail people or pregnant women. It is a restricted diet, lacking in vitamins E and K, minerals and carbohydrates, which is why it is unbalanced. So be careful, it should last for a week at most. During this time your belly will deflate and you will lose up to 5 kilos.