The dangerous method to cure sunstroke that is all the rage on TikTok

Some of the videos accumulate more than 500 thousand views. In several of these you can see that there are minimal consequences such as the water on the plate spilling or the glass breaking, but of course the results can be much worse such as the glass exploding, causing cuts and burns.

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“This home remedy is of little relevance in terms of improvement since the cold that it could produce at the level of the head does not last long enough,” said the president of the Regional Medical College of Valparaíso, Ignatius of the Toweron the feasibility of the video procedure TikTok.

“On the contrary, the use of alcohol and lighting it could cause an accident and burns with tragic consequences,” said the specialist.

For his part, the dermatologist from the Clínica Alemana, Sebastian Andreanisaid that “unfortunately the networks misinform and often spread and make viral certain myths that in truth do not have any scientific evidence” and that confuse the proper treatment of this condition that is quite common in summer.

There’s a in which is currently giving a lot of tenderness to the users of the platform. And in it you can see the reaction of a puppy called ‘Salvador’, who, holding a stuffed animal in his mouth, hurries to go for a walk with his owner. However, the door closes right in front of him, leaving him clearly disappointed.

The video has been shared by Emilie Maurin, who captured the moment in which the puppy ‘cries’, upon realizing that he has been left at home and sadly, he lets his toy fall to the ground. So far, the recording has already been viewed about 10.7 million times and has accumulated 1.8 million likes.

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