“The bogeyman” of the environment, it’s also Halloween

The environmental bogeyman is back and it’s all about Halloween. What is usually a candy-filled orange and black season is also a terror to the world.

It’s not that one is a “killjoy”, but every human action leaves a mark and unfortunately not a very good one. In the case of Halloween, a lot of single-use solid waste is generated, how do we know that?

If horror movies scare you, imagine this: tons of plastic made from fossil fuels advance through the ocean, suffocating marine species.

The coconut is scaring environmentalists

83 percent of Halloween costumes and clothing advertised for Halloween are made of plasticaccording to , an international non-profit organization dedicated to promoting an environmentally friendly, safe and transparent fashion industry.

The report suggests that, despite some progress to replace the use of plastic in clothing with other materials such as cotton and in accessories with metal and glass, the general situation remains: polyester remains the main material.

Added to that are the small candy wrappers, one of the second most important effects on Halloween, due to the amount of wrappers that are thrown away in a few hours and the material with which they are made.

That is why it is said that the bogeyman of the environment is the festivities, due to the number of special items to celebrate them: rcostume opa, accessories, decorations and wrappers for sweets or desserts, their degradation takes many years, adding to the pollution of air, land and water.

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