The blue blood tree that purifies the earth of metals (natural resilience)

If we look at the treetops, we run the risk of getting lost in their beauty and forgetting that they actually function as integrative beings in total connection with the earth and their fellow humans. Behind the trees there are many secrets that do not appear at first glance, however, it is enough to study a little about these beings to realize the great tasks they perform. Phenomena such as the Wood Wide Web tell us about arboreal wisdom and now a blue “blood” tree has been discovered that helps purify the earth.

What we know as substrate, which is rather the land that makes up the habitat of plants and animals, has different compositions. The earth is not only sandy grains, but it is an entire world of metals and elements necessary for life to arise. But in its components there are also heavy metals such as nickel and zinc in large concentrations that almost no tree wants to have nearby.

Tree resilience

Although, if there is one lesson that nature has given us, it is resilience. Thus, a specialized group of trees called hyperaccumulators has evolved to incorporate toxic metals into their stems, leaves and even their seeds. One of these trees is the species known as Pycnandra acuminata, which grows on the island of New Caledonia in the South Pacific.

Pycnandra acuminata is a tropical rainforest tree, with a large size that reaches up to 20 meters in height. It grows very slowly and takes decades to produce and seed. But as the saying goes “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, so they have learned to incorporate toxic metals into their stems to defend themselves against insects. This unusual behavior is also reflected in his appearance, which could not become more incredible. Its sap is a peculiar greenish-blue color thanks to the fact that it contains up to 25% nickel.

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Contrary to other types of vegetation that do not flourish on hard soils, hyperaccumulators are responsible for purifying the earth. They have been considered as an alternative to clean excess heavy metals in soils in old mining sites exploited by human activities. Although more research is still needed on the blue blood tree to purify the land contaminated by man.