The 7 most powerful mantras in the world

Mantras or spiritual chants have been used for centuries to calm the mind and connect with a higher energetic level. Although each person can have their own personal mantra, there are seven powerful mantras that are classified as divine chants because they are energy condensed through sounds. In other words, our thoughts are an incessant source of force, but these repetitions are capable of transforming the reality we live. For this reason, they are used to amplify the positive energies of thoughts that lead to calm and success.

In this Psychology-Online article, we explain which are the 7 most powerful mantras in the world, used for millennia by different cultures around the world.

What is a mantra

Mantras are sounds, phrases or syllables that are repeated constantly and regularly as part of spiritual, meditative or religious practices. These chants have been a tool that has been used since ancient times to create grooves in the bones and focus the mind, invoke positive energies and achieve a state of inner connection.

Mantras have their origins in ancient Indian spiritual traditions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, and are believed to They have the power to influence the mind and spirit to generate beneficial effects by repeating them with devotion and attention. Each mantra has a specific meaning and vibration, so its constant repetition helps to calm and concentrate the mind, as well as awaken spiritual aspects and promote inner peace.

It has been shown through various research studies that the mind is capable of adapting to thoughts, both positive and negative, to establish them as fixed patterns, especially when phrases are repeated regularly. Therefore, the effectiveness of mantras is based on brain neuroplasticity. In this way, by choosing the most effective ones, thoughts can intentionally change to improve your life.


This is the best known mantra of all and is said to be the sound that the universe generated during its creation. “Om” is a primordial and sacred sound found in many ancient spiritual traditions, especially Hinduism and Buddhism. Your name represents the primordial sound of the universefrom which all things originate and all return.

The Om mantra is believed to contain the vibrations of the waking, deep and dreaming states, as well as the transcendental state of consciousness.


Also known as Gayatri mantra, Savitris is an ancient and sacred mantra that Prayers are made to the Sun deity Savitr.. It appeared for the first time in the Rig-Veda approximately 3,000 years ago and according to legend, the Supreme Being gave this mantra to the wise Vishwamitra, who was responsible for transmitting it to the rest of the people.

This is what this sacred song repeats:

Om bhur bhuvah swah

Tat savitur varenyam

Bhargo devasya dhimahi

Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

So Hum

This mantra comes from Sanskrit and is used to align the Root Chakra. Its translation is “I am”, “I am”. Its function is based on making it understood that what is important is the “here and now” to focus thoughts on the importance of we are where we should be and that we are enough in the face of adversity.

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

This is another of the most powerful mantras. It is prayed to the Hindu deity Ganesha, who is known in Hindu culture as the remover of difficulties and is a very effective mantra for clear roads and unlock creativity when a change of perspective is needed in the face of life’s dilemmas.

Its translation is the following:

  • Gam: Greetings to Ganesha.
  • Ganapataye: word used to call Ganesha.
  • Namaha: means “I offer you my greetings and bow to you.”

Aham Prema

“Aham Prema” is a mantra that comes from the yoga tradition and is considered a Sanskrit mantra. The Aham Prema mantra is made up of two parts. On the one hand, “Aham”, which means “I” or “I am” and, on the other hand, “Prema”, which translates as “love” or “divine love”.

Together, these terms form the statement “I am love.” In the following article you will find more information about the .

Namah Shivaya

This powerful mantra has its origins in Hinduism, who consider Shiva to be the Supreme Being of transformation. This mantra refers to Shiva, the destroying and transforming god of the Hindu pantheon. The meanings of each syllable intertwine to form a deep sense of devotion and reverence towards Shiva.

By reciting or repeating the “Namah Shivaya” mantra, one expresses a recognition of this divinity and recites an attitude of reverence towards his power and presence in the universe. This mantra is considered very special and powerful because is associated with the destruction of the ego and the connection with universal consciousness. By repeating it, we seek to elevate the mind and enter a state of deep meditation and spiritual contemplation.

So Ham

So-Ham, also known as “Hamsa” or “Ham Sa” is a Sanskrit mantra used in breathing and breathing practices in the tradition of yoga and Hinduism. Its translation is “I am that” and evokes the spiritual concept of connection between the individual and divinityrecognizing that one is intrinsically linked to universal power and energy.

In the meditation practice with “So Ham”, mental or verbal repetition of the mantra is combined with breathing aware. That is, during this exercise the sound “So” is associated with inhalation and the sound “Ham” with exhalation, synchronizing the mantra with the natural flow of breathing. By repeating the mantra with each inhalation and exhalation, we seek to create greater awareness of the connection between the individual and the universe.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Blofeld, J. (2004). Mantras sacred words of power (Vol. 544). Edaf.
  • Shadid, AC, & Cabezas, ZR (2015). The Sanskrit terms of yoga: an ancient journey. Káñina Magazine, 3995-112.
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