The 6 most effective foods to combat migraine

It is a pathology that affects 4 million people in Spain. This part of the population lives waiting for when they will suffer the next migraine crisis. These people know that when that dreaded moment arrives they will be forced to lock themselves up for hours in a dark room, with an intense headache and in the face of the incomprehension of the majority of society.

Added to the “tragedy” of constant pain is the “misunderstanding” of society, which does not understand that the people who suffer from it are totally unable to work or lead a normal life when crises worsen.

Official figures say that 4 million people in Spain suffer from this pathology and 1,600,000 suffer up to 15 crises in a month. Migraine affects more women than men – 75 percent compared to 25 percent -, who suffer its effects especially after puberty, remitting in many cases after menopause, since it is related to the hormonal changes.

Foods to fight migraine

If you are one of those affected by this pathology, you should know that your diet can help you fight migraine attacks. There are a number of things that, according to experts, will help you better cope with the dreaded migraine crisis.

Legumes: These are foods low in fat and rich in fiber and protein. Its daily consumption is recommended for fight migraine.

Strawberries: Fruits in general are one of the great allies to fight against migraine. In particular, strawberries are an excellent source to prevent .

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Lettuce: green leafy vegetables are highly recommended for fight migraine. Therefore, lettuce can become one of your great allies.

Nuts: olive, soybean and sunflower oils are often recommended to combat headache. Hence, nuts are recommended for people who suffer attacks of .

Blue Fish: The phosphorus provided by fish such as sardines or tuna are one of the best allies to combat migraine. Fish in general is recommended to lessen the effects of these Severe headaches.

shellfish: the proteins provided by seafood are ideal for reducing the discomfort caused by migraines.

On the other hand, if you suffer from migraine you should avoid pastries due to their high fat and sugar content, as well as fried foods and sauces.