The 5 most common types of hallucinations

The They are much more common than we would like to think. For example, one study suggested that 1 in 20 people have experienced, at least once, hallucinations in their life that were not linked to drugs, alcohol or sleep. The 5 most common types of hallucinations are:

visual hallucinations

Visual hallucinations refer to seeing something that is not really there. Although it sounds terrifying, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, they are usually the result of the use of some medications. visual hallucinations .

auditory hallucinations

Auditory hallucinations happen when the individual hears something that does not exist and is the most common type in schizophrenia. Although it is also usually very common in people who are grieving, who usually hear the voice of their loved one.

Tactile hallucinations

Tactile hallucinations happen when you feel something on your skin or body that is not there and usually arise as a result of alcoholism or drug abuse (cocaine or amphetamines). The most common tactile hallucinations are the sensation that there are bugs or snakes crawling on your body.

Proprioceptive hallucinations

Proprioceptive hallucinations (or postural hallucinations) refer to when individuals have experiences such as floating, flying, or feeling outside of their body. Additionally, these types of hallucinations can also describe the feeling that you or a part of you is in a different location than your physical body or you may feel phantom limb syndrome.

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Olfactory hallucinations

This type of hallucination involves smelling something that doesn’t exist, although it is one of the rarest types of hallucination. The odors experienced are usually unpleasant (vomit or feces, for example). They can occur as a result of damage to the olfactory system in the brain or epilepsy.
