The 20 most common bad habits and their consequences

Our habits are the key to our success, what we do every day based on our history and personality and the way we live and build our future. For this same reason, if we want to change our lives for the better, it is important to do our part to definitively eliminate our negative habits, that is, those little things that we do not like about ourselves and prevent us from becoming the person we want to become. in the future.

In this Psychology-Online article we will show you the most common bad habits and their consequences.

What are bad habits

We all have some bad habits that we would like to change. These habits are rituals that we have followed since time immemorial and that make us feel in what we know as a “comfort zone”, that is, a space or situation in which we feel comfortable and safe.

Bad habits are, therefore, all those cBehaviors that we habitually do that are harmful to us and that often hinder us from achieving our goals, since they prevent us from making the desired change.

Waiting for something to come true

What are the most common bad habits? Repeat thoughts to yourself like “I will be happy when I have…” It is one of the easiest traps of unhappiness to fall into. No matter how you finish the sentence (a promotion, a higher salary, or a new relationship), the problem is that it puts too much emphasis on the circumstances you are in and would like to be in. It is important to know that a better situation does not necessarily imply a happier life.

To procrastinate

Another negative habit that we should try to avoid is procrastination and repeating phrases like “why do something today that I can also do tomorrow”. People who tend to procrastinate are not better off, with more adrenaline and more efficiency, to do things at the last minute, but rather they simply postpone everything out of lack of willpower, fear of making mistakes or looking bad.


Planning is good, but doing it in excess can be harmful, since many times it is of no use and, although you may not realize it, becomes a way to delay actionusing an amount of energy and time that is truly disproportionate to the real need of the project.

Wasting too much time and energy chasing material objects

When objects are chased out of habit, you are much more likely to feel sadness. Once we have overcome the feeling of disappointment that we feel after having obtained an object, we discover that while we were worrying about appropriating said object, we were neglecting people or elements of our life that could really bring us happiness, such as our friends, partner or some hobby that we have left aside.

Caring too much about the opinions of others

It is important to become aware as soon as possible that none of us will be able to satisfy everyone with our decisions. Therefore, if you stop trying to make each person happy you can save a considerable amount of time to start focus more on your own happiness.

However, this does not mean that you have to become a self-centered person, but that you understand to what extent others can influence you with their opinions and begin to pay more attention to your instincts and judgments.

Adopt a victim attitude

Unhappy people tend to describe life as harsh and out of their control and, according to them, there is nothing they can do about it. The problem with this philosophy is that reinforces the feeling of helplessness and people who feel helpless hardly act to improve their situation.

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be pessimistic

The problem with the pessimistic attitude is that, in addition to wearing down the mood, risks becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. That is, if you expect unpleasant things to happen to you, then these events are more likely to happen.

Pessimistic thoughts are difficult to eliminate, at least until the person is aware of how illogical they are.

complain excessively

Although it is usually one of the most used and normalized bad habits, in most cases complaining about minutiae is useless and, in addition to the fact that it will not change the situation, it can worsen our relationships. Furthermore, it is an activity that will end up reducing our personal energy level even further and it will attune us, again and again, to something we perceive as negative.

Wasting too much time on things we don’t like

Wasting too much time on things you don’t like is another bad habit that can take its toll on us. End up spending all your energy and most of your time on actions or projects that do not motivate you It’s not good for anyonenor for you for the project.

Stay at home

When we feel sad we tend to avoid others. This is a big mistake since socializing, even when we don’t feel like it, provides great benefits for our mood. It is normal to have days when we reject any social contact and prefer to stay in bed, hidden from the world under our blankets.

However, when these moments become a habit they can destroy our mood. Therefore, learn to recognize those moments in which sadness makes you more of a hermit. make an effort to get out of the house and socialize. You will notice the difference immediately.

Sitting in the same position for hours

Sitting in the same position for hours It is bad for circulation, back and creativity, since our thoughts can also get stuck. Therefore, get up at least once every hour and, if possible, change rooms or work rooms.

Take hot showers

Using water that is too hot is harmful to the blood vessels that supply the brain and can make migraines worse. Due to the same effect of dilating the vessels, showering with very hot water after doing some physical activity can make you feel very weak and cause discomfort.

In addition, this bad habit also alters the hydrolipid film of the skin, making it more sensitive to infections.

Sleep little and bad

Getting a good night’s rest is fundamental for our psychophysical health and our state of mind. For this reason, it is important to identify our ideal sleep rhythm and adjust it to the time we normally go to sleep and the time we get up.

These rhythms can vary in each person due to factors such as age, so while some people will need 8 hours to be completely rested, for others 6 hours of sleep will be enough.

Skipping meals

Skipping meals can start out as a seemingly harmless way to save calories and lose weight. However, the truth is that it is a bad eating habit that should be corrected as soon as possible, since can cause serious consequencesespecially if it is one of the main meals.

Eat quickly and without concentration

Multitasking can also manifest itself at mealtime, at which time the only protagonist should be the food and the positive sensations that derive from it. Eating the right way and focusing your attention on your plate at mealtime will help reduce stress. For it, It is important to maintain good posture and chew well foods to promote digestion.

To bite nails

Nail biting is another of the most common bad habits, and with it cuticles and skin. Whether due to anxiety, nervousness or acquired vice, the result will remain the same: a lousy business card and image for the people around us.

Always be glued to your cell phone

According to various scientific investigations, mobile phones are a source of electromagnetic fields that can be harmful to health, especially if the exposure is prolonged. However, we often tend to forget this negative habit and stay attached to it at all times, even when we are in bed.

Spending too much time on social networks

Nowadays we usually spend a lot of time on social networks and paying attention to the messages that continually bombard our mobile phones. Although social networks have also brought great advantages, studies also warn of the possible risks resulting from overexposure to networks, such as anxiety, depression or.

Spend little time in nature

Between going from home to the office and trying to combine our hours with leisure, family and social life, it is clear that we live very quickly. Therefore, sometimes it can be very difficult for us to find time to be surrounded by nature, which can become a bad habit and cause consequences on our mental and physical health.

According to numerous studies, living outdoors, walking in nature and letting the sun caress our skin makes us happier, reduces stress, facilitates healing and improves memory and creativity.

Don’t put sunscreen on

The belief that using sunscreen will not get you a tan is not only false, but it is also It can have serious consequences for your skin and health. in the future. Therefore, by applying sun protection daily your skin will be immensely grateful and you will reduce the appearance of spots and wrinkles.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Bradberry, T. (2019). The 10 cattive habits of chronically unhappy people. Retrieved from:
  • Cebrelli, A. M. (2017). Cattive abitudini: 10 sew that dovremmo smettere di fare al più presto. Retrieved from:
  • Giuliodori, A. (2020). 23 abitudini sbagliate che davvero non pensavi di avere. Retrieved from:
  • Tallon, M. (2020). 10 cattive abitudini Alimentari da Cambiore, a cominciare dalla spesa! Retrieved from:
  • Tognini, M. (2021). 16 cattive abitudini will abandon dopo i 30 years. Retrieved from:
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