The 100 keywords to promote intergenerational dialogue

/p>The Friends of the Elderly Foundation has launched a campaign for young and old choose and define words of their time. With the contributions of each other, this NGO will select the 100 keywords. with the objective of encourage intergenerational exchange and make visible that older people still have a lot to contribute to society.

The initiative began on April 29, European Day of Intergenerational Solidarityand it is proposed to raise awareness of the advantages of establishing contact and talking with people from other generations in our daily lives.
For the campaign, the has created the microsite and the hashtag #100palabrasmayoresthrough which you can present as many words and definitions as you wantboth on the web and in social networks.
In addition, the microsite reviews in seven short testimonial videos as many talks between young and old They are neither related nor previously known. Each one chooses his word, defines it and, from there, establishes a natural and fluid dialogue with your interlocutor.
Among the words that appear in the videos include, for example, zascandil and escamondadoa feasible but extremely difficult combination, as well as folder, grapple, hater, heck, influencer, pincushion, post-truth or millennial.
In addition, the web also raises the possibility of guess the meaning of words like cínife, embalumar, cotorrón, jurguina, ludibrio, rapagón either pesia.
Friends of the Elderly is an NGO that fights against through the company and friendship of volunteers, contributing to improve their quality of life and health. In making the videos and the awareness campaign, Amigos de los Mayores has had the collaboration of volunteers from the .

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