“That’s not beef”: he bought Milanese and ended up indignant

After seeing the photos, the result impressed many people from Tucumán, who were forceful in the comments: “Horse or donkey meat. It is a rusty animal and is poorly bled”, “The horse meat is red, it is not cooked in time, and when frying Milanese, the oil foams.”



“Every animal that walks ends up on the spit. The drama is that it has the same price as beef”, “Horse meat! It happened to me a few years ago in Aguilares. I bought ready-made Milanese, when I fried them it didn’t cook and in the end I ended up burning it on the outside. That is to say: the breading and the meat was red, on top of that it foamed in the oil”, were the main comments.

“If the Milanese has been frozen, the bread will brown, but the Milanese will not cook,” “Because it’s horse meat. “You have to report the butcher shops, or that a sign says ‘Horse meat’ and people will decide whether to buy it or not, but in this province the Bromatology and Hygiene inspectors look the other way and leave with their pockets full,” they remarked.

However, one of the versions with the most positive reactions was the following: “None of them know anything. That is vacuum-packed meat and generally that type of meat, no matter how cooked it is, remains that color due to lactic acid.. Personally, it is not my preference, but it is good and not raw or spoiled.”

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“It is unfortunate that no organization is responsible for the quality of the products they sell to us. There are no controls in supermarkets, warehouses, greengrocers, bakeries, butcher shops, etc. Nor price control. Everything they sell is of poor quality and high prices,” they denounced.