TEST to know if you are a SOCIOPATH – Do you have symptoms of sociopathy?

Sociopathy consists of a set of personality traits related to non-adaptive socialization. So what is a sociopath? The definition of a sociopath is a person who presents sociopathy. Sociopathic people have not properly learned social norms and moral standards. The main characteristics and symptoms of a sociopath are a lack of empathy and socially and morally inadequate behavior, in which the rights of other people are not taken into account or respected. A sociopath is indifferent to what is right and wrong and does not take people’s feelings into account. This leads them to carry out behaviors such as lying, manipulating, harming and even aggression. For all these reasons, sociopathy is included in the DSM-5, the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, within the antisocial personality disorder.

Sociopathy is more common than it seems, with one in 25 people having it. For this reason, at Psychology-Online we have created this sociopathy test. Do you have symptoms of sociopathy? If you have doubts about whether you may present this personality pattern, you can take this sociopathy psychological test to find out if you are a sociopath, as a guide. With this quick 10-question test, you will get an immediate and free answer.

To evaluate personality and diagnose a personality disorder such as antisocial personality disorder, an evaluation is necessary by an accredited professional using validated psychometric tests, such as personality tests.

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