Ten tips against gastroenteritis

The viral gastroenteritislike the flu or colds, It is one of the most frequent pathologies suffered by the population during the winter months. This is an inflammation of the stomach that occurs when viruses, such as rotaviruses or noroviruses, alter the ability of the intestine to regulate the absorption and secretion of salts and water, causing the patient to have diarrhea, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain.

“Along with the discomfort of these symptoms, the most worrying thing is that the inability to tolerate food and/or liquids for several days can lead to the appearance of dehydration, which can even be serious”commented the medical expert from Laboratorios Cinfa, Aurora Garre.

In addition, another of the problems posed by this disease is that from before suffering the first symptoms until days after recovery, the patient can transmit the virus to other people. In fact, as the expert has explained, norovirus is spread by ingesting contaminated food or liquidssharing food or utensils with a sick person, or touching contaminated surfaces or objects and then putting your hands to your mouth.

“Although the symptoms normally last from one to three days and then the condition usually goes away on its own, during the period of all this discomfort, the body is practically unable to tolerate any food. For this reason, the treatment of the patient It must focus, above all, on ingesting liquids to avoid dehydration and extreme hygiene measures to avoid transmitting the virus in our immediate environment “he stressed.

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For this reason, and with the aim of avoiding the disease, the expert has provided ten keys that make it possible to combat it:

1.- Hydrate a lot, but little by little. During the most acute episodes of the disease, be sure to replace the fluids and salts that you are losing by drinking plenty of fluids (lemon water, isotonic or sports drinks, herbal teas, juices without pulp*), but in small amounts and every 30-60 minutes; drinking too much at once can cause you to vomit again. Ask your pharmacist about the possibility of taking oral rehydration solutions.

2.- Eat only certain foods. During the phase in which there are still symptoms, such as diarrhea, a specific diet must be followed such as tea or infusion for breakfast or snack; cooked rice and grilled chicken breast to eat; and pasta soup, boiled hake or cooked ham for dinner.

3.- Allies in your recovery. Some fruits such as quince, apple (peeled and grated) and medlar are highly recommended during the recovery phase of the disease, because thanks to their composition rich in tannins and pectin, they have astringent properties. During the acute phase do not use milk, it is preferable resort to yoghurts.

4.- Wash your hands often. To avoid infecting other people, wash them after using the bathroom or after changing diapers. Do it carefully with warm soapy water or, failing that, with an alcohol-based solution, for at least fifteen seconds.

cleanliness in food

5.- Handle and preserve food well. Any food served raw or handled improperly can become contaminated with norovirus. Therefore, wash and rinse green leafy vegetables, such as lettuce or spinach, fresh fruits and live shellfish.

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6.- Maximum cleanliness in the kitchen. Carry out scrupulous cleaning of cutlery, kitchen utensils and surfaces, especially after an episode of vomiting or diarrhea, to keep the viruses that cause gastroenteritis away from the body.

7.- Do not take antibiotics. In the case of viral gastroenteritis, that is, caused by viruses and not bacteria, antibiotics are totally useless. There is no specific medication for this condition; in any case, it may be necessary to take analgesics or antiemetics to treat possible symptoms such as vomiting or fever.

8.- Antidiarrheals do not help. These types of medicines should not be given, even to children, without first talking to the doctor, as they can make the infection last longer. For people taking diuretics who develop diarrhea, their doctor may recommend stopping these drugs during an acute episode.

9.- Dehydration, under control. It is the main complication of gastroenteritis, so it is important to recognize its symptoms -dry and wrinkled skin; irritability or confusion; dizziness or lightheadedness; rapid heartbeat and breathing, among others – and go to the doctor before them. Also, the risk of dehydration is higher in infants and toddlers, so parents should monitor the number of wet diapers changed per day when their child is sick.

10.- Consult your doctor if the process does not subside. The symptoms associated with gastroenteritis usually disappear on their own after between one and three days, although they can last up to fifteen. If after that time you continue to have discomfort, see your head specialist. Also consult him before you stop taking any medication prescribed before you fell ill.

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