Ten games to improve the concentration of children with ADHD

As we have already seen, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have certain difficulties performing and/or completing tasks at home and at school. However, there are techniques to help them concentrate and achieve better results.

Playing with them is one of the tools that can be used, for this it is important that you explain the game well, its evolution and the different steps that exist and, in case things do not go as expected, it is nature. of the game and anger can move.

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suggests the following games that you can adapt or modify, as you see fit:

  1. Find the couples

    This game, which is normally with cards that are face down, matches must be found by picking up only two at a time. If you don’t get it right, you have to put them face down again. Memory and attention are worked on.

  2. Building games

    This activity encourages creativity, attention to details, planning capacity and regulates behavior and psychomotor skills.

  3. Puzzle

    Depending on the difficulty levels and the variable size options, this game will train your attention.

  4. Simon says

    One of the players assumes the role of Simón and lists what needs to be done. Others just have to follow the instructions that begin with the phrase “Simon says.” Those who do not follow the instructions or perform another action that is not indicated must exit the game. With this game you work on concentration and the ability to receive and assimilate instructions.

  5. Find the differences

    Between two practically identical drawings, certain differences must be found and highlighted. The level of difficulty can vary and it works on attention to details and memory.

  6. Alphabet soup

    Locating certain letters or words and putting them together into a phrase, a message or finding them because they answer a specific question are ways to encourage work on selective attention, planning capacity and behavioral inhibition, which refers to the interruption of some response or sequence of behaviors.

  7. echo of words

    This game is to be played with several children or adults with the aim of repeating what the previous person says. Attention, verbal working memory and socialization gain strength.

  8. Hanged

    This classic and easy game consists of guessing a secret word of which only the child knows the number of letters that make it up and as he mentions them he can put together the word or draw a character who will end up hanged if he doesn’t guess. Here we work on organizational skills, sustained attention and planning.

  9. Move in slow motion

    Performing certain actions in slow motion with which they create a story with their similar tastes or an everyday situation also helps to manage the child’s behavior. For this activity you can present a situation, for example, that he is a firefighter and must put out a fire, to achieve this a series of steps are carried out, then you can allow him to act as he wants.

  10. turtle technique

    This game involves the child learning to transform into a turtle, that is, move slowly, act step by step and if a threat arises, hide in his shell to calm down. It will help you regulate his behavior and impulsivity.

Remember that if a game requires a lot of attention, it is best to divide it into small sessions so that the child can rest between games, thus avoiding exhaustion and possible frustration.

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