Universal symbols of transformation and rebirth, butterflies have fascinated cultures around the world throughout history. Discover the spiritual meaning of butterflies, the hidden messages behind the colors of their wings, and what it means when a butterfly appears in your life.

The butterfly meaning and explanation; It can be associated with trips between the worlds in search of knowledge, crossing borders and with the experiences of unconsciousness that enrich us.

The general symbolism of butterflies

Butterflies have been symbols of change, rebirth, and transformation in various cultures. Since ancient times, the metamorphosis of the butterfly has been compared to the journey of the soul from an earthly body to a spiritual one. Their presence in dreams is often associated with good luck and prosperity.

A butterfly goes from crawling on the ground to touching the sky blue sky with a sensation of lightness. In short, it could be about the very meaning of human life; after all, we all struggle to be butterflies.

In Greek its name is psyche as well as soul. The psyche was thought to fly out of the mouth of the dier like a butterfly. In the dream it is an announcement of good luck and prosperity.

That of the “sidhe” and represents a metamorphosis, a metaphorical transition of the spirits that hope to be reborn, die in the other world to be born in this one in a perpetual exchange. These spirits, who have to return to our world, used to be represented as fairies riding butterflies, to remind us of the symbolism of this transformative aspect.


The passing away of the human body is identical to what happens when a butterfly emerges from its cocoon. The cocoon can be compared to the human body, but it is not identical to your real self, it is just the house where you live for a while. To die is to move from one house to another much more beautiful.

Meaning of butterflies according to their colors

Around the meaning of the color of butterflies, myths, beliefs and opinions are generated regarding their colors, sizes, drawings and even shapes. We tell you about its colors and omens.

white butterflies

The white butterfly, meaning, implies the presence of a loved one who has passed away and who now cares for you, guides and protects you. These beautiful butterflies are associated with life and death. For some indigenous tribes they are a symbol of an omen of death.

Some believe that abundance, good luck and independence are ahead. However, when you see this extraordinary species, take a moment of your time to think about your ancestors, asking them to guide you and lead you on the right path.

black butterflies

Black butterflies are commonly interpreted as bad luck. The black butterfly is a different species that works with magical energy and from which we will decide if we obtain this positive or negative charge for our lives.

Associated with sudden changes and the end of a stage, when you see a black butterfly, focus on thinking positive things so that they become good wishes.

Brown Butterflies


The butterflies of brown, earth or chestnut color are bearers of good news. It is said that when a brown butterfly appears, it will bring good news that it has been waiting for a long time in its life.

Orange Butterflies

The Orange Butterflies predict that a change is coming and we will have to go out and take advantage of this new opportunity. It will be a reason to be optimistic and positive about the things that happen to you. Changes in your life that you must assume with a lot of attitude and enthusiasm.

yellow butterflies

It is difficult to predict the meaning of yellow butterflies, but it is said that they are linked to sudden and radical changes. It is said that sailors have an omen that if they see a yellow butterfly, it will be their last voyage.

However, this species is not associated with death but rather with shaking ourselves off and assuming life in a better way, with more strength and creativity.

green butterflies

They are good luck. Personally associated with progress and abundance. If the green butterfly hovers over your head, it means that prosperity and health are on the way.

If the green butterflies are in a closed place, these good wishes will be for everyone inside.

red butterflies

It is said that seeing a red butterfly is because a big change is coming to your life. In addition to being red, it is a symbol that a powerful spirit watches over and cares for you.

blue butterflies

they also bring good luck and prosperity, they also convey joy and hope. Seeing these beautiful butterflies, you must make a wish and hope that your dreams come true. However, these desires must be achieved with a lot of sacrifice and dedication, in this way they will undoubtedly come to your life.


Purple or Purple Butterflies

Purple butterflies or mor uras are rare to find and symbolize the arrival of a rich, prosperous, healthy and enlightened person in your life. The purple butterfly also represents “divine intervention”, which means that when you are facing problems in life and it seems that all is lost, there will always be a light on the path that will show you the beautiful side of life.

The spiritual message behind butterflies

The encounter with a butterfly is never a simple coincidence. Each butterfly carries with it a deep and significant spiritual message that we must discover. These delicate and beautiful beings remind us of the importance of personal transformation, adaptation to change and the constant search for growth and evolution in our lives.

Now that you know the spiritual meaning and symbolism of butterflies according to their colors and their presence in our lives, pay attention to these winged beings the next time they appear on your path. Butterflies teach us important life lessons and guide us through our own personal metamorphoses.