Sometimes my eyelid trembles: how do I make it stop? Should I be worried?

It is not the most frequent in the world, but it does happen sometimes and it produces a very annoying sensation that is commonly known as “twitching of the eyelids”.

It is about involuntary contractions of the eyelids and that can leave us very surprised, especially if it is the first time.

But there is no need to be alarmed, because ophthalmologists say that “they are rarely a sign of something serious.”

A problem with the muscle, not the nerve

The key to the low severity of this condition is that the spasms originate in the muscle that surrounds the eye, and not in the nerve that controls the blink reflex.

If it were in the nerve, we would know it, because it would send the message to both eyes simultaneously. And the spasms to which we are referring occur in only one eye.

In addition, it is the most common type of eye twitching: a series of muscle contractions called eyelid myokymia.

What is eyelid myokymia?

They are “spontaneous, smooth, constant, undulating contractions that propagate through the affected striated muscle.”

It is usually a unilateral affectation (on one side only) and almost always affects the lower eyelid, although it can occasionally occur in the upper eyelid.

Contractions are self-limited, periodic, and last seconds to hours.

There are even times when the spasms become chronic and continue for several days or even weeks. But it is rare.

More typical of the feminine sex and of the cold

According to the “” (National Library of Medicine), female sex and cold weather are risk factors for chronic eyelid myokymia.

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It can also happen, in rare cases, that the patient suffers at the same time these involuntary and intermittent contractions in the upper and lower eyelids.

eye twitching is more common in women

It is very annoying. How can it be cut?

There is no quick fix to instantly stop eyelid twitching once it starts.

There is no shock treatment or medicine against it. Especially since it is usually not necessary.

Most ophthalmologists recommend the use of artificial tears or drops to lubricater the eyes, because they consider that it can help as long as they are natural and do not contain chemical preservatives, which could have the opposite effect.

They also find it beneficial to massage their eyes in the shower.

And they’re pretty unanimous in advising covering your eyes with a warm, damp cloth just before bed, because it helps relax the eye muscles and opens up the glands at the margins of the eyelids. And “this increases the flow of oil into the eyes and slows the evaporation of tears.”

Precautionary measures?

There aren’t many either. The specialists recommend rest more and reduce stress to the extent possible, since according to Dr. Raj Maturi, spokesman for the

“The eyelid twitches are a signal from your body asking you to slow down.”

Experts also consider that, to help prevent this ailment, it is advisable decrease caffeine intake to avoid the muscular tension that this drink can cause. And they specify it in a maximum of 2 cups of coffee a day.

food can help

Another general recommendation from ophthalmologists is that they consider it important to stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet.

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We need to include in our regular diet:

Potassium-rich foods

  • Potatoes

  • bananas

  • Lentils.

abundant in magnesiumfound in:

  • green leafy vegetables

  • Whole grains

  • Beans

  • Walnuts

  • Fish

rich in calcium

  • Dairy products

  • sardines

  • Dark green leafy vegetables

  • Fortified breakfast cereals

And it is that the imbalances in these minerals can cause spasms.

Causes of eyelid tremor

“No one knows exactly why it happens.”

What specialists are clear about is that if what happens to us is just an eyelid opening and closing, we are generally dealing with a harmless (and often exasperating) case of eyelid myokymia.

It may be due to a small irritation, a contact lens rubbing against the eyelid…

It could also be caused by dry eye. An ailment that is becoming all too common among people who spend too much time looking at a screen, since it has been shown that they blink less and do not lubricate enough.

Can it ever be serious?

If the spasms or contractions persist for a long period of time, or are accompanied by additional symptoms, the doctor recommends going to the ophthalmologist to be checked and make sure that nothing else is happening.

In addition, there are 3 cases in which it can be worrying and, if we notice any of them, we should react quickly because they are symptoms of a more serious problem.

– In the event that we notice that the contractions spread to other muscles of the face.

– If we notice that both eyes contract at the same time

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