The social skills They are a set of behaviors that encompass thoughts, emotions and behaviors that we present in our daily lives and that they allow us to relate with the rest.

Why are social skills so important?

We need social skills, since human beings are social By nature, we live in society and need others. Our well-being and quality of life will derive from these skills, since social skills allow us to interact effectively and satisfactorilybuild healthy interpersonal relationships, develop and maintain an adequate one, feel good and get what we want.

In addition, people with social skills deficits are more likely to present psychological problems such as or . It is important to know that social skill is linked to our belief system and our personality. Therefore, it is necessary to know our personality with, for example, a .

How do I know if I have social skills? Test your skills with this social skills test inspired by Elena Gismero Social Skills Scale. This social skills test from Psychology-Online is free and you will get an immediate and online response. Don’t hesitate and take this interesting psychological questionnaire!

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