So you can know if you have healthy gums (and the risk of periodontitis)

One in three Spaniards suffers some periodontal disease. A chronic pathology that affects more than eight million adults in our country. Two of them have severe periodontitis.

  • 33% of adults have severe tooth loss.

  • 11% are edentulous, that is, without teeth.

It is the sixth most frequent disease worldwide (more than 750 million people live with this pathology) and it has negative consequences on general health.

Patients suffering from gum disease, according to the (SEPA), have between 25 and 50% increased risk of cardiovascular events. And the explanation is very clear.

Cardiologists and dentists have come to the conclusion that failure to tackle the mouth infections causes that, little by little, .

And this is because it causes the release of inflammatory substances into the bloodstream that seriously jeopardize its functioning.

Dentist, in a file image. PS

Periodontal disease: what types are there?

  • Gingivitis. The accumulation of bacterial plaque can become tartar. In the long run it can cause irritation and inflammation in the gums and, consequently, periodontal disease.
  • periodontitis. It is a serious gum infection that can destroy the bone that supports the tooth. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it affects 10% of the world population and is one of the main reasons for tooth loss in adults.

The main symptoms are:

  • Bleeding during brushing.

  • Bad breath.

  • Sensitive gums.

  • dark gums

  • Pus between the teeth and gums.

  • Mobility or separation of teeth.

Risk factors: How to avoid their appearance?

  • Tobacco. It is the main risk factor for periodontal disease, since it plays a fundamental role in tissue healing.
  • carry a style of Healthy lifepracticing physical exercise and avoiding alcohol consumption, is essential to prevent the development of periodontal disease.

  • He dental crowding and dental malposition are other risk factors that predispose to gingivitis and periodontitis.

  • correct oral hygiene: daily brushing with toothpaste, flossing and mouthwash. It is also important to renew the toothbrush every three months and go for a dental checkup once a year.

Do I have healthy gums?

However, both gingivitis and periodontitis are easy to diagnose. In addition, these problems can be avoided if a series of preventive measures are taken.

For this reason, the Spanish Society of Periodontics (SEPA) has developed an online questionnaire, , to assess the risk of suffering from periodontal diseases and thus avoiding tooth loss or suffering from cardiovascular disease.

Through a total of 20 questions (which are answered in less than a minute) you can know the risk of suffering from periodontitis and change your oral hygiene habits. It is also an indication to go immediately to a periodontist.

  • Low. It is unlikely that you have or will have periodontitis. Even so, it would be recommendable that you visit your dentist, at least once a year, to perform a complete examination and see if you suffer from other pathologies: cavities, mucosal diseases, halitosis, etc.
  • Moderate. If you haven’t seen your dentist for more than six months, you should go there to have your gums checked.
  • High. You are likely to have or will have periodontitis. You should see your dentist to have your gums checked, especially if you have any of the warning signs.
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