Snoring – Integral Health Coaching.

The human being takes advantage of the dream to free himself from what happened to him in a waking state. This is the reason why we all dream. The person who snores is usually the one who would have wanted to make more noise during the day, but held back or did not have the opportunity to do so. He is often the type of person who feels like he doesn’t speak up enough, so he pulls himself together at night. If the person does not dare to speak during the day for fear of rejection, he experiences that same rejection since his snoring drives others away.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: Snoring serves as a sound marking of the territory while we sleep. They are also related to the piece we don’t want to let go of, that’s why the tracks are closed.

CONFLICT: Dog conflict: “If I snore, the intruders know that the house is not empty.

Olfactory conflict in which we do not catch the olfactory piece, normally sexual, of a couple.

Frequently related to old ideas, attitudes or material goods that I cling to and that it would be better for me to let go.

Snoring inwards is “come, come” (ask for help).

Snoring outward is “go, go” (wanting to push something away, a danger).

If I snore, I must ask myself: Do I cling to my old ideas, attitudes, material goods? Do I persist in staying in a situation or in some situation that is not beneficial to me? I’m tired? Are my breasts full? What is the thing that I breathe hard and that follows me even during the night? (eg: smell of my spouse, of a perfume, etc.) Or perhaps I want to “catch” my spouse who sleeps near me and remove the distance that separates us both physically and emotionally.

See also  William Betancourt. Neurobiological Coach. Colombia.

CLARIFICATION: This is a generic orientation, it is required to investigate, in each person in particular, the specific conflictive pack to be resolved.

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