Six things many people don’t know about bipolar disorder

According to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), more of .

Some famous Hollywood stars like , , and They have made their bipolar disorder public knowledge. There are even famous series, such as homelandwhere the story of characters with the disorder is followed.

Most people assume they have a basic idea of ​​what the aforementioned disorder is, but how true is this really?

The name of the disorder is probably very well known and, with actors sharing their diagnosis and television series that touch on the subject, it has a lot of publicity. However, there are some facts that are not known about the same. Below we leave a list of 6 facts that are not as commonly known by people about bipolar disorder:

What many people think: When the bipolar person is going through the manic phase, they are always happy and energetic.

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Reality: Mania can manifest as anger and rage or being irritable and nervous. This state of mind can ruin relationships. Threat to the person’s job, family and life.

What many people think: Bipolar disorder consists of two states: manic and depressive and the person who suffers from it oscillates between both states without interruption.

Reality: In both Bipolar I and II Disorders, there is a space in the middle where the person is neither manic/hypomanic nor depressed. Some people can quickly change from one state to the other while others can go from one extreme (mania/hypomania, depression) to a middle, healthy state.

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What many people think: Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings throughout the day.

Reality: Some people remain in a state of depression or mania/hypomania for months or up to a year or more. This is why the disorder can be overlooked for years and diagnosed as major depressive disorder, for example.

What many people think: The only important parts of treatment are medication and psychotherapy.

Reality: Although both are key in the treatment of bipolar, they are not the only parts of the treatment. Also of vital importance are the he and the which can help minimize several symptoms of the disorder.

What many people think: It is impossible to have a normal, happy life with bipolar disorder.

Reality: These people can have wonderful relationships and a life that fulfills them and makes them happy. But to do this, you have to make the right diagnosis and find the treatments that work best for that patient. Treatment may involve mood stabilizers, examination of lifestyle components (such as building or rebuilding relationships, diet and exercise) and stress reduction.

What many people think: Bipolar Disorder consists of two mood states: depressive and manic.

Reality: Bipolar disorder has two categories: Bipolar I and Bipolar II. Bipolar I has mania as one of its diagnostic criteria. This symptom is severe enough to cause problems in the life of the person who suffers from it. This is because, in a state of mania, the person may engage in dangerous behaviors, such as risky sexual behavior or repeatedly spending a lot of money on things that are not needed or that the person cannot really afford. Bipolar II consists of hypomania and depression. It is in the hypomanic state that people’s mood fluctuates quite a bit, but it is not severe enough for their life to be drastically disrupted.

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There is much more that people may not know about this disorder. It is important that we inform ourselves about the symptoms, what they involve, how they affect the person who suffers from them and their loved ones, what treatments there are, etc. Let us also know that research to offer better help and treatment to these patients continues.
